The Udaipur Escorts were a class of professional entertainers in the city of Udaipur, India. They were trained in music, dance, and acting, and their main purpose was to entertain the royal family and the nobility. The escorts were also available for private parties and events, and they often received lavish gifts from their clients. While many of the escorts were women of great beauty and talent, some were men who dressed as women.The escorts were an important part of Udaipur's social and cultural life, and they played a significant role in the city's economy. In addition to their entertainment value, the escorts provided sexual services to their clients. This aspect of their work was often hidden from the general public, but it was an open secret among the upper classes. The escorts were not slaves or prostitutes, but they did enjoy a higher status than most women in Indian society. While the Udaipur escorts are no longer active in the city, they remain an important part of its history and culture.