2 年 - 翻訳

March 13, 1892 - Abraham Khoury emigrates from Fi'eh to Iron Mountain, Michigan. ... Here the wedding take s p ace in the bride ' s house and often the groom goe s ... In those days the bottle and nipple were not known and I was carried by our ... S o I be gan to s pur with my he e l s and with the sti r ru p, but, out side o f a.... Oct 2, 2006 1) 0th3r H0bb13s/Sk1llz.. ... 3y3 th1nk 3y3 n0t1c3d y0u 4r0und if(exists($shirt)){ #s0rry 4b0ut s4l4d cr34m, 3y3 ... #4ll th3m sm4ll th1ngz add t0 p3