3 年 - 翻訳

May 8, 2012 How have you been? yeah so cutie lovely babies our otp! ... http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/....w%3D580%3Bcp%3Dtieba ... Then at 2:13, KJH turns to him and says ma-ru-ri-ka-hae, which means say ... 63 In the Power Interview on 9 June 2011, KJH mentioned his ideal girl to have.... a href 'https postimages.org ' target ' blank' img src 'https i.postimg.cc ... src http i66.tinypic.com 4ky8vr.jpg border 0 img src http i63.tinypic.com sctd0x.jpg border...Missing: Cuties, | M