Prohibited foods for diabetics and harmful fruits and Glucoberry Ingredients

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The diabetes occupies a daily maintenance including monitoring your blood glucose, eat a healthy diet low in sugar, be alert for early identification of a complication of diabetes as a problem of the heart, eyes and other organs. Glucoberry is a dietary supplement. The body's blood c

The diabetes occupies a daily maintenance including monitoring your blood glucose, eat a healthy diet low in sugar, be alert for early identification of a complication of diabetes as a problem of the heart, eyes and other organs. Glucoberry is a dietary supplement. The body's blood circulation is improved by taking glucoberry supplements.

Control what you eat is one of the keys to manage your type 2 diabetes and prevent the terrible complications it causes, for this, you must know what are prohibited foods for diabetics and here we will leave the list so you know which are:

What things can a diabetic not eat?

We will talk about the foods that, beyond being prohibited, are those in which you must take special care not to include in your regular diet, as they will cause serious damage to your health:

  1. - Sweets and sugar are forbidden if you are diabetic

Not only foods high in sugar such as sweets, cookies, syrups have no nutritional value, but these foods cause a high peak of blood sugar. 

This type of food will lead you to gain weight; gain weight can lead to a lack of control of your diabetes.

Learn how to satisfy your desire for sugar with fresh fruit full of fiber such as apples and blueberries. The fiber helps delay the absorption of glucose, helping to bring better glucose control. Accompany the fruit with nuts or almonds.

  1. - The fruit juices you should never take them

While some fruits can be a bit unhealthy and less harmful to the diabetic, this is not the case with fruit juices.

Fruit juices are a healthier choice than soft drinks or energy drinks, but fruit juices are filled with fruit sugar without the fiber.

Its absorption is many times faster than eating fruit since the fiber of the fruit that retaves the absorption is missing, this leads to peaks of sugar in the blood. 

If you are looking for another drink as an alternative to juices, try tea and zero-calorie drinks.

What are the prohibited fruits for diabetics?

The harmful fruits for diabetics are:

  • Banana or banana
  • Cherry
  • Pineapple
  • Dried fruit
  • Fruit juices

Also avoid foods with lots of fruits like:

  • Fruit smoothies: they have less fiber and more sugar than fresh fruit, so they can raise blood glucose.
  • Fruit salad: being more of a fruit involved, there is more risk of raising your glucose levels. It is better to eat only one serving of fruit at a time.
  • Canned fruits: usually come with syrup or chemical preservatives rich in sugar, these raise a lot of blood sugar.

Fruits are foods that a diabetic can include in their daily diet, however, they should be consumed in moderation especially those with a high level of sugar.

The fiber contained in fruits with peel, such as apple or pear, increase the time of absorption of glucose by your intestines. This results in lower blood sugar.

  1. - Avoid raisins and dried fruits

Raisins or dried fruits can be a much better choice of food than cookies, but still raise the sugar in your blood. 

During the dehydration process, the natural sugar of the fruits is very concentrated, causing a high peak of sugar in the blood when they are absorbed by the body. 

Natural fresh fruits, such as strawberries, are much better.

What nuts can a diabetic eat?

Preferably avoid eating nuts, as they are concentrated versions of fruits. To say 1 cup of grapes has 27 grams of carbohydrates, while one cup of raisins has 115 grams of carbohydrates, 3 times more than grapes, this can make it difficult for glucose to be normal. 

If you decide to eat nuts, avoid passing 60 grams daily. Some of the nuts you could eat are:

  • Almonds
  • Nuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Pistaches

Just remember, eat them in their natural state, without added sugar or salt.

  1. - Processed meat and sausages

Processed meat such as bacon and dried meat, as well as sausages are high in sodium, which greatly harms health and can worsen diabetes.

In a study published in 2011 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was shown that those people who ate at least 3 ounces daily of this type of meat, had a 19% higher risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes. 

Similarly, people with diabetes with this type of diet had more problems controlling their blood glucose.

  1. - Avoid fries and donuts

Eating potato chips can lead you to gain weight and raise the sugar in your blood.

French fries and donuts are a very harmful food for people with type 2 diabetes; they are foods full of carbohydrates that cause blood sugar to rise.

Fried food absorbs a lot of oil fat, leading to fried food in high-calorie foods.

Tran’s fats raise your LDL cholesterol and increase your risk of having a heart problem. Many fried foods are high in Tran’s fat if they are fried in hydrogenated oils. 

  1. - Avoid white bread

Refined starches, such as white bread, pasta, white rice or anything made with white flour, act like sugar after the body digests them.

Refined starches are carbohydrates and increase blood sugar quickly, that's why you should avoid them if you have diabetes.

Whole grains are a better choice because they are high in fiber, and because a gradual increase in blood sugar. But including this type of food you should limit it since they raise the sugar too, they limit to 1 integral bread with the food. 

  1. - Avoid cakes and pastries

It is not a secret that cakes and pastries are full of sugar, white flour, preservatives and sodium. 

The lethal combination of sugar and white flour creates a large spike in blood sugar. This causes more insulin resistance, which increases the sugar in your blood and makes it more difficult to control diabetes.

Many of the foods in the bakery are also high in fat and cholesterol which increases your risk of having a heart problem.

  1. - Avoid corn-based foods.

The nachos are a very popular food to go to the movies or to remove hunger before eating and believe it or not, these are made from corn.

Nachos are a very high calorie food; in some restaurants can have up to 850 calories, the equivalent of a strong meal.

Corn is a food rich in carbohydrates, so it raises blood glucose a lot, which is why you should avoid it at all costs. 

The more calories you eat from carbohydrates the higher your blood sugar rises and the more you increase insulin resistance, preventing good control of diabetes.

Flours allowed for diabetics

Most common flours such as wheat flour and corn flour, in only 100% contain about 350 calories, as you can imagine, are terrible for the control of diabetes. 

However, there are other, much healthier options that do not raise your glucose levels. These are:

Spelled flour: in 1/3 cup, it contains 100 calories, 21 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of fiber. Ideal for preparing sweets.

Almond flour: in 1/4 cup, it contains 170 calories, 5 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of fiber. This type of flour is usually used in combination with other types of flour to not change the texture.

Coconut flour: in 1/4 cup, there are only 100 calories, 16 grams of carbohydrate and 12 grams of fiber. A very healthy type of flour, free of gluten and of natural origin.

Chickpea flour: in 1/4 cup, there are 110 calories, 18 grams of carbohydrate and 5 grams of fiber.

What is the best bread for diabetics?

The best bread for diabetics is one that is rich in fiber, for example, whole grain breads. Fiber is a slow-release carbohydrate, that is, it does not cause sudden rises in blood sugar.

In addition to this, those that are made with the low calorie flours that we talked about earlier. If you combine these two qualities, you can consume the bread without problems.

Check the ingredients of the bread very well before buying it, some say they are whole, but they are high in calories and low in fiber. Do not forget to check the calories per serving.

  1. Avoid high-calorie drinks

A simple coffee without milk may be perfect for a person with diabetes.

However, many coffees in large commercial coffee shops are almost equivalent to an extreme dessert because of their high content of calories, carbohydrates and fat.

For example, a mocha frappe from Starbucks venti can have up to 470 calories of which 63 grams are sugar. This creates a big spike in your blood sugar.

Go for coffee options of the day and sweeten it with stevia to reduce the number of calories.

In addition to coffee, beware of drinks with a lot of sugar, such as sodas, since it was shown that taking one or two drinks of this type a day increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 26%. 

In addition, it greatly increases the blood glucose of those who already suffer from this disease.

Drinks prohibited for diabetics

Although we have mentioned some drinks that you should avoid throughout this article, the American Diabetes Association and us, we wanted to clarify all your doubts about it:

Sugary drinks

Avoid regular sodas at any cost; just a 12-ounce can contain 150 calories and 40 grams of carbohydrates (the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar). 

Similarly, avoid fruit punches; a cup of them contains 100 calories and 30 grams of carbohydrates. This translates into a huge potential to raise your blood glucose.

Alcoholic drinks

Drink only one or two glasses of alcohol a day, but before drinking, be sure to measure your blood glucose, it must be between 100 and 140 mg / dL to drink, I avoid doing so.

Try to drink light beer or wine, do not drink mixtures of fruit cocktails or thick beers, as they could have twice the calories and alcohol, and the reaction can be detrimental to your health. 

Drinks allowed for diabetics

Tea or coffee

The problem is not tea or coffee, but what you add to them. By themselves, are low-calorie drinks, but increase as we add milk, sugar, cream, syrups, among others.

You can have your coffee or tea with the diabetic sweetener of your choice.


Consume milk and dairy products that say on the label, 1% fat or no fat, even skim milk, you must count it in your meal plan since it contains 80 calories.

  1. - Avoid fast food.

Although you're eating chicken in Chinese food, it's usually fried chicken.

The typical fried chicken of Chinese food has up to 400 calories with 43 grams of carbohydrates, and that's not counting rice, which can add another 200 calories with 44 grams of carbohydrates.

Fast food is not always bad, since you can always choose a healthier option.

However, avoid fried foods rich in carbohydrates as they offer in places like McDonalds and KFC, since these offer highly processed foods rich in sodium and this contributes to increase your blood glucose a lot. 

Look for a healthier chicken option that does not cause a spike in blood sugar.

Foods forbidden for diabetics

A balanced diet is ideal to maintain the sugar level in healthy values, however, eating one of these occasionally will not hurt you.

Excess of any of these mentioned foods will greatly complicate your sugar control.

The following are foods that because of their high sugar content and the damage they cause to your health, it is advisable to have a distance at all costs, since they sharply raise blood sugar levels.

Fruits that a diabetic should not eat:

  • Banana
  • Watermelon
  • Corn
  • Fruits in syrup


  • Prunes
  • Dates

Refined flours that a diabetic person should avoid:

  • Pastries
  • Pasta
  • Cookies
  • Pizzas
  • Desserts (cakes, donuts, croissants, etc.)
  • Donuts

Foods that diabetics should avoid:

  • Fritters
  • French fries
  • Breaded meats
  • Frozen food
  • Sausages (ham, sausage, salami, pâté)
  • Non-lean meats of beef, pork, chicken with skin
  • Margarines
  • Butter

Whole dairy products and their derivatives:

  • Milk (prefer low-fat, lactose-free, soy, etc.)
  • Yellow cheese, cheddar (choose fresh)
  • Cream
  • Cheese double cream.
  • Natas

Drinks that a diabetic cannot take:

  • Soft drinks or sodas.
  • Bottled juices
  • Milk drinks (chocolate, strawberry,)
  • Do not add sugar teas, coffee, etc.
  • Alcoholic beverages ( References )
  • Sugary drinks.


Avoid adding extra salt to the dishes that are consumed. Some foods rich in sodium that must be avoided are:

  • Processed dressings, prefer vinaigrettes, olive oil
  • Mayonnaise
  • Bottled sauces
  • Snacks like pretzels, peanuts with added salt

It is important to avoid at all costs, these foods forbidden for diabetics that are listed, because if consumed in excess, they will raise blood sugar levels, bringing serious complications such as kidney damage, heart, blindness, etc.

Resources for diabetics

  • Diet for diabetics
  • The 6 best sugar substitutes for diabetics
  • The 9 best supplements for diabetics
  • 11 Easy breakfast ideas for diabetics
  • The 14 best foods to control your diabetes
  • Guide to the ketosis diet (very good diet to control your glucose)

Foods prohibited for diabetics according to WHO

The WHO, for several years, has made several publications in which stresses a change in lifestyle, not only to prevent it, but also as a treatment to reduce type 2 diabetes.

However, they have not published a list of prohibited foods to date, but they have a list of recommendations that you should follow if you want to have a better quality of life. 

WHO, in addition to reducing obesity and overweight, recommends:

  • Decrease the consumption of sugary drinks (such as sodas or processed drinks).
  • Decrease alcohol consumption.
  • Reduce the consumption of high-calorie or unhealthy foods.

Foods prohibited for diabetics and hypertensive

The restrictions are very similar, since a harmful diet has a great potential to destroy your health. However, there are some special considerations for hypertension.

Some foods and drinks usually raise blood pressure, thus worsening high blood pressure while complicating diabetes even more.

Especially you should avoid high-sodium foods at all costs, either by adding more salt to meals or in the case of canned and processed foods that contain a lot of sodium.

Limit the consumption of cinnamon and drinks with caffeine to a daily drink, these increase your blood pressure levels.

Avoid very fatty foods full of sugar, seek a consultation with the nutritionist to tell you the caloric expenditure you have a day and based on this plan your meals.

Foods prohibited for diabetics and high cholesterol.

The foods that you must avoid at all costs are the following:

  • Whole dairy products: full milk, cheese, butter, among others. You can consume dairy products that are low in fat such as milk and skimmed yogurt or sheep's cheese.
  • Meat with fat: especially those of ox and lamb. Clean visible fat well, avoid pork. They are usually high in cholesterol. Opt for lean meats.
  • Cold cuts and sausages: they are rich in bad cholesterol, they also have a high sodium content. Reduce your consumption
  • Guts: its consumption is not very common in all cultures, however, they are high in cholesterol and saturated fats.
  • Pastries, processed foods, and high in sugar: sweets, sweets, cakes, many of the ingredients damage the health and make the control of diabetes more difficult.

Prohibited foods for insulin-dependent diabetics

The feeding measures are the same as for a person with type 2 diabetes, although more rigorous, since there is a higher risk of complications of not adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Food should be oriented to a change in habits and lifestyle, such as leaving a sedentary lifestyle and eating healthy, that is, without sweets, flours, refined sugar, cakes, fats, among others.

Something important that you should not neglect under any circumstances, is to plan your meals very well. Most fast food options or restaurants do not offer healthy options.

You should take the precaution of bringing home-made food or researching places that offer healthy foods such as salads or low-fat or grilled foods.

Remember; avoid processed foods, buns, cakes, foods rich in fats and flours. Strictly banned sugar-rich drinks such as Starbucks prepared coffees or sodas.

Prohibited foods for gestational diabetics

First, remember that you must maintain a balanced diet throughout pregnancy, that is, containing protein, vegetables and yes, carbohydrates.

However, you should take healthy carbohydrates such as fruits and cereals since these maintain satiety and lower the risk of gestational diabetes.

If you already have gestational diabetes, I will tell you some foods that under no circumstances can you eat:

  • Saturated fats of animal origin.
  • Mayonnaise, butter, cream.
  • Refined sugar or sugary drinks.
  • Industrialized foods: candies, chocolates with milk, sweets.
  • Bollerías and pastry shops: cakes, desserts, cakes, among others.
  • Honey: although there is controversy regarding its potential to raise blood glucose levels, it is best to take precaution and avoid it.

Watch the carbohydrate portions, but without eliminating them from the diet, remember, they are an important part of nutrition, but without excesses.

Recommended foods for gestational diabetes.

Consume nuts and olive oil, help regulate cholesterol, provide antioxidants, and maintain satiety for longer.

Consume also vegetables, green leaves and legumes, which will not increase your blood sugar level, but will provide many proteins, vitamins and folic acid ideal for you and your baby.

Something fundamental for every pregnant woman, is control with the nutritionist, this guarantees that you consume, everything that both you and your baby need.

Recommended foods for diabetic children.

The recommendations for diabetic children are the same as for adults. Sugar control is essential, so you need to plan meals well, even more than adults.

You must learn to count carbohydrates and teach your child to count them so that he can properly choose the food in the school cafeteria.

Be creative with meals, children get bored faster from meals especially if you repeat the menu daily.

Chewing gum, candy or ice cream should be "no calorie", however, avoid giving too much of them, since some sweeteners can cause adverse effects with their consumption.

Prohibited foods for diabetics with kidney failure

In this case, you must have the greatest firmness in a diet that adheres to the nutritionist's specifications; the restrictions are even greater since it is based on precise portions and measurements.

In addition to the previous prohibitions, there are very specific conditions that you must take.

You must take care of your blood pressure; therefore you must restrict the consumption of fats and salt.

Since your meals must be rigorously planned, I'll tell you some guidelines you can follow:

Protein consumption:

These are mainly found in meats, eggs, fish and vegetables. It should not exceed 0.6 grams per kilogram of weight per day.

That is to say, that a person weighing 70 kilograms (multiplied by 0.6), should only eat 42 grams of protein per day. However, the weight of the meat is not the total grams of protein.

That is, 100 grams of beef contain only 20 grams of protein.


The calories you should consume per day are around 35 calories for each kilo of your weight. That is, if you weigh 70 kilograms, you must consume 2450 calories a day.

Your daily calorie requirement, you can check them through the calorie calculator offered by the American Cancer Society. It will give you an estimate of the calories you should consume per day.

Likewise, the WebMed portal offers you a complete guide on how many calories the food you want to eat have, to help you have better control.


Do not exclude them, but you should eat them with caution, do not consume refined sugars and processed foods. Opt for natural and healthy carbohydrates such as fruits, cereals and whole foods.


Forget about Tran’s fats, and foods rich in bad cholesterol, you should eat healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, among others.

Foods prohibited for diabetic neuropathy

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy recommends mainly treating the cause of neuropathy, in this case, controlling the level of blood sugar. 

In addition to taking care of your blood sugar levels through diet, there are some foods that can worsen the neuropathy caused by diabetes. These are:


Applies mainly to people with celiac disease, that is, allergic to gluten, its consumption can worsen the symptoms of neuropathy. You can find gluten in white flours, like wheat flour.

Refined sugar:

Since its high consumption worsens diabetes, it also strengthens the progression of neuropathy, worsening its symptoms. Opta sugar suitable for diabetics as sweeteners.

Saturated fats:

Especially those of animal origin, and whole milk products, since in addition to causing inflammation, can worsen diabetic neuropathy.

Remember that from time to time you can consume some of these foods, but keep in mind that in the excesses is where you find the big problem to your health.

Fruits and vegetables forbidden for diabetics

It is not that they are completely forbidden, but you must consume with moderation and care because the excess of them produces rises in blood sugar.

Fruits and vegetables that diabetics should not eat, in excess.

We will speak by group of fruits and vegetables, based on their properties so you can get an idea of ​​why eating them is so risky for your health:

What are the prohibited vegetables for diabetics?

Due to its high glycemic index, it is advisable to avoid or reduce the consumption of the following vegetables:

  • Potatoes: glycemic index between 70 and 95.
  • Cooked turnip: glycemic index 85.
  • Pumpkin: glycemic index 75.
  • Corn grains: glycemic index 65.
  • Red beet: glycemic index 65.
  • Yuca: glycemic index 55.

Try vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, soy and broccoli, since their glycemic index is only 15. A much healthier option.

What are the legumes allowed for diabetics?

Legumes are an excellent option for diabetics. They are low in sugar, rich in fibers, proteins, vitamins, especially those of group B, folic acid, among others.

Among the options that you have at your disposal, the best ones are:

  • Lentils
  • Broad beans.

Some recommendations…

An easy way to identify a suitable product if you are diabetic is to read the nutritional label before purchasing it and assess the amounts of sugar, sodium, and fat.

Generally, products of natural origin will provide better benefits for a healthy diet, even suffering from diabetes.

It is always essential to consult with your doctor, or nutritionist, for a good orientation regarding the foods allowed and the foods forbidden for diabetics.

Help your family and friends with diabetes know what foods to avoid at all costs. Share this article and you will see that they will thank you.
