Buying, using, storing and disposing of household chemicals

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Before buying chemicals, it is important to find out more about the product through your retailer or the manufacturer. If you are struggling to find a way to buy chemicals, cerilliant is a reliable partner for consumers.

Buying chemicals

Before buying chemicals, it is important to find out more about the product through your retailer or the manufacturer. If you are struggling to find a way to buy chemicals, cerilliant is a reliable partner for consumers.


If there is more than 1 product suitable for the job, always choose the least dangerous product. Use the warnings on the label as a guide to help you decide.


All of the information you need to know about the dangers and safe use of chemicals is found on the label.


Always make sure you read the label carefully and ask someone if you do not understand the information. You can ask the product retailer, your local pharmacist or your local government environmental health officer to assist you.


Products that contain chemicals have labels that classify the level of its toxicity. By law, this information must be in large bold letters as a signal heading on the front of the label.


Using chemicals

If you use chemicals exactly as directed on the product label – you are using chemicals safely.


All products containing chemicals must be used with care.


It’s important that you are prepared. Before you start using a chemical, make sure you read and understand the directions on the label.


Follow any safety directions carefully. For example:

Avoid breathing in vapours when spraying a pesticide or when applying a sealant.


Wear rubber gloves and eye goggles to prevent chemicals coming into contact with your skin or eyes, especially when handling corrosive chemicals such as spirits or hydrochloric acid.


Some labels will list items that you should have on hand in case of an emergency. These will be listed under ‘Safety directions’ and ‘First aid instructions’ – make sure you have them before you start.


Pay particular attention to the directions for use on the label and only use the exact amount stated. Using twice as much chemical will not be twice as effective – but it may be twice as toxic. Similarly using less chemical may require more frequent applications and increase the danger of poisoning.



It is illegal to store pesticides in containers other than the original, properly labelled containers that meet labelling requirements for products containing poisons.


Some household products, such as detergents and soap powders bought in large quantities, may be repackaged safely into smaller containers if the original packaging is damaged or broken.


If you repackage a product containing chemicals, the new container must:

be clearly and properly labelled

be unattractive to children

not be mistaken for a food or drink container.
