Huafeng-Wolongsheng _ txt Novel Paradise

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Feeling a surge of anger, he rushed straight up and couldn't help shouting, "Shi Fei, you treacherous villain..

Feeling a surge of anger, he rushed straight up and couldn't help shouting, "Shi Fei, you treacherous villain.." He shouted several times, but did not hear a word of answer. Suddenly, a cold but calm voice came into my ears and said, "Don't shout. This is a specially designed dungeon. If you shout, they won't hear you." Tang Lin felt a shock in her heart, and half of her tiredness disappeared. "Who are you?" She asked. "Like you," said the cold voice, "a man who has been locked up in a dungeon." "How long have you been in this dungeon?" Asked Tang Lin. "I can't remember," said the cold voice. "It's been more than half a year, day and night." "I've been locked up in this wet and dark dungeon for more than half a year," said Tang Lin. The cold voice said, "You've been locked up in a dungeon. Do you still want to have rich clothes and jade food?" Tang Lin's mood gradually calmed down, and her eyes adapted to the darkness. In a corner of the dungeon sat a man with a full head of hair. The chains on his body seemed to be much heavier than his own, and he leaned against the wall with a resigned calm. Holding back his anger, he said slowly, "Brother, what's your name?" The man with a full head of hair smiled faintly and said, "Anyone who first comes to such an environment will not be used to it. However, if you don't want to die immediately and want to live, you will gradually get used to this kind of life.." With a slight pause in his voice,lutein eye complex, he said, "It's better not to say my name." Tang Lin said.. Why "It's a shame to say it," said Peng Fa. "Don't worry about that, sir," said Tang Lin. "When I first entered Jianghu, I didn't know anything about the people and affairs in Jianghu. Even if you say your name, I don't know." "Since that's the case, I'll tell you..." "I'm all ears,lutein and zeaxanthin supplements," said Tang Lin. Peng Fa said, "I am the best in the world." "Ren Wushuang.." said Tang Lin. The hairy man smiled and said, "Yes, have you ever heard of it?" "No," said Tang Lin. Ren Wushuang sighed and said, "It seems that you are really a fledgling." "I'm telling the truth.." said Tang Lin. After a pause, he said, "Brother Ren, why were you locked up in the dungeon?" "Because I went into the bluestone house once," said Ren Wushuang. "Brother Ren," said Tang Lin, "did Shi Fei catch you?" Ren Wushuang gave a sneer and said, "How can they catch me with their martial arts?" "Well," said Tang Lin, "how did you get caught?" "Ecstasy," said Ren Wushuang. "I was drugged in the inn, naringenin price ,akba boswellic acid, and then I was locked up in this dungeon." Tang Lin sighed and said, "Brother Ren, I was locked up in the dungeon for the sake of the house." Ren Wushuang was in high spirits and said, "Have you ever entered that bluestone house?" "Yes," said Tang Lin! I lived there for almost a month. "Oh!" Said Ren Wushuang! Who did you see? "A young man.." said Tang Lin. The heart moves, suddenly shut up. "What does that young man look like and what did he talk to you about?" Asked Ren Wushuang in a hurry. "Didn't you also go to that bluestone house?" Asked Tang Lin. "I've been there," said Ren Wushuang, "but I haven't seen anyone." "Oh!" Said Tang Lin! What did you see? Ren Wushuang said, "I saw something that looks like a person but not a person." Tang Lin was stunned for a moment and said, "It looks like a person but not a person. What do you mean?" Ren Wushuang said, "He looks like a human being, but he is covered with long hair. He is definitely not a human being. Moreover, he is as fast as lightning. I was almost hurt by him." "Didn't you see it clearly?" Asked Tang Lin. "I've probably seen it," said Ren Wushuang. "I've been attacked by the monster twice in a row. I haven't been to the bluestone house to have a look." Tang Lin said in her heart, There is indeed a monster in that house. Younger Martial Brother is in danger. But on second thought, he said, "Brother Ren, why didn't I meet you?" "So," said Ren Wushuang, "I always wondered if you had really been to that house." "Brother Ren," said Tang Lin, "that's not right.." "Oh!" Said Ren Wushuang. Tang Lin said, "I'm not the enemy of Mr. Jinlong, but in that courtyard, I learned a few martial arts to defeat Mr. Jinlong. It's absolutely true. Why should I lie to you?" Ren Wushuang gave a hum and said, "I see.." Shaking his head, he said, "Why do I always meet that monster?" "Brother Ren," said Tang Lin, "didn't you get hurt by that monster?" "I was hurt by that monster," said Ren Wushuang. "How could I have been drugged by them and sent here?" Tang Lin suddenly sighed and said, "Listen to what brother Ren said. There's really a monster in that house. My younger martial brother thinks it's a bad luck." "What's the matter, Younger Martial Brother?" Asked Ren Wushuang. Tang Lin said the story very carefully. Ren Wushuang shook his head and said, "I've fought with that monster twice. His fingers and claws are like blades. If he catches him, he'll have to die.." Tang Lin sighed and said, "It's a pity that I've been locked up here, so I can't check it out." Ren Wushuang smiled and said, "Brother Tang, first think of a way to save your life, and then make a plan." Tang Lin nodded and said, "That makes sense, but how can we protect ourselves when we are locked up in the dungeon?" "I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I can't think of a way to get away," said Ren Wushuang. Tang Lin said, "I have an elder uncle who is now the Chief Escort of Wutong Escort Agency. I hope he can get the message early and maybe he will come to save me." "Brother," said Ren Wushuang, "are you talking about the Chief Escort of the Wutong Escort Agency?" "It's him," said Tang Lin. "He doesn't dare," said Ren Wushuang. "You should give up this idea." "Why?" Asked Tang Lin in surprise? In the Wutong Escort Agency, the Chief Escort is naturally the most decisive person. "Chief Escort," said Ren Wushuang,jujube seed powder, "was hired by Deng Lun, the proprietor of the Wutong Escort Agency. Naturally, he will listen to the proprietor." 。
