Song Xingzhi lived during the reign of Emperor Huizong.

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"Why?"? It's very interesting. Between the middle finger and the index finger of his right hand

"Why?"? It's very interesting. Between the middle finger and the index finger of his right hand, he Su Shen clamped the glass chess pieces, and the translucent black beads were pure and bright. It's just that you're funny. "Yongjiao closed her mouth, picked up a white piece, settled down, and robbed her back." How can you fall here, obviously I just hit your robbery, how can you put in the chess pieces? He Su-shen said in surprise. Yongjiao is powerless, "this is called anti-robbery, because they surround each other, so it is tantamount to perish together." The so-called chess game, is to the strength of both sides, you come and go, just have fun. However, He Su-shen is a rookie who is not even clear about the simplest overall situation such as "Golden Horn, Silver Edge and Copper Middle" and how to finish the game in the end. The two of them played 35 games in two hours, and He Su-shen won 35 games. Although Yongjiao's chess skills are not high, it is rare for her to win so thoroughly and powerfully, but the chess game without any challenge gives her a headache. Unfortunately, he Su Shen, as a beginner, is not generally interested in what he has just learned,Nail Making Machine price, even if he loses his scalp and can't find it, he still refuses to play. Don't play this, okay? Yongjiao looked forward to the way, she expected this is an extravagant hope, and added, "Let's play five beads, the same is playing chess." Wulianzhu? Is it Gobang? He Su Shen was slightly interested and asked about the rules. Sure enough, it was Gobang,Nail production machine, so he smiled with good intentions and played with her. Half an hour later, the two completed a total of 18 chess games, He Su-shen 18 wins and zero losses, Yongjiao felt more headache, she pouted her calf and leaned back, how also refused to play, "melon seeds, you are so cruel, do not give me any face, you let me lose so miserably!" Who let you want to play Gobang with me? At the beginning, I was in the third stage of Gobang in the QQ game. You refused to play Go to make you happy, and there was no way to abuse me! He Sushen thought so in his heart, but he also complained on his mouth: "Who let you win the anger of heaven and the resentment of man in Weiqi? You didn't even let me!" Yong Jiao laughed weakly, tidied up the chess pieces, and said that he would not play for the time being, which consumed a lot of brain power. Su Shen held the teacup and rubbed his shoulder with his right hand. Suddenly he felt a little strange. "Little rabbit, Nail machine manufacturer ,iron nail machine, when the big brother came back, you stayed in the yard every day and followed him and refused to come out. Why did you come to play with me today?"? Big Brother will go to school tomorrow. Won't you go back? Xiaotu is Yongjiao's nickname. It is said that she likes rabbits since childhood, so her family calls her Xiaotu. Yongjiao dejected chin on the stone table, half lying, "I don't want to go back, go back to accompany my brother to be scolded together?" "Scolded?"? Scolded by whom? Who dares to scold you? "This is a strange thing. He Fu's eldest son was scolded." Mother, "Yongjiao slanted her face against the table," mother is teaching my brother a lesson, I don't want to be scolded together.. " "Aunt scolded Su Yi's brother?"? Why Even if only met a few times, but enough to let Su Shen feel that the elder brother looks gentle, elegant manner, excellent character, really can not find a place to be scolded, Liu to the next generation and always gentle, never had a lesson to children, this is really strange. Oh, it's sister Biluo, you know. Yongjiao's rare weak way. Yeah, I know. Biluo is the maid who serves He Suyi in the big house. She is familiar with poetry and books, beautiful in needlework, and very gentle. In terms of appearance, she is also the top servant girl in the house. He Su-shen had dealt with her several times and had a good impression. Last time there was a cousin of the third aunt surnamed Liu who came to the house. He met Biluo on the way, and now he asked her to marry him, saying that he wanted to be a concubine. "Mother was so angry that her eyes were green, and the third aunt came to urge her every other day, and what she said in her mouth was terrible." Yongjiao wrinkled the nose, although lying down, but the eyes are also green seepage, "Biluo sister how can marry that kind of person!"! I heard that there were two wives and seven or eight concubines, and there was still life to come out of that mansion?! Three aunts do bad things all day long, and their relatives are not good people. They will be struck by lightning sooner or later! "Why did your brother get scolded again about Sister Biluo?" It doesn't make any sense. "How could my brother let such a person take Sister Biluo?"? They grew up together! The elder brother went to intercede with the mother and refused to marry her. The mother was so angry with the third aunt that the elder brother ran into the muzzle of the gun and deserved to be scolded. "Yongjiao stuck out her tongue and smiled delicately." Rabbit, why aren't you in a hurry? Don't you like Bilo? According to the usual Yongjiao temper, now already jumped up and shouted, today actually still have the interest to titter, very strange. What's the hurry? Mother is not a vegetarian. I heard the maids say that Biluo sister had already given her brother to be a housekeeper. There's nothing to be afraid of with grandma in town. Only my brother ran to tell my mother in a hurry. Yongjiao giggled and said, "He deserves to be scolded. I've never seen him so anxious before. You don't know that he was so anxious when he heard the news. His brain is not working well." "By analogy with Jia Baoyu, if Hua Xiren is robbed, he still has brains.." He Su murmured. What did you say? Yongjiao didn't hear clearly and asked. No, nothing. Little rabbit, why does the third aunt always do these annoying things? Liu's position in the third room is really very strange, almost all the servants in the house are not a good word to her, even if the third room of the non-dowry little girl is crying to be transferred every year, but no matter how much she did, Tang Mu will not be in charge. Yongjiao said disdainfully, "Auntie is always like this. She thinks she's great.". And it seems that there is a contradiction between their family and our family. When I overheard my father and mother talking, I heard that they were standing in line, fighting, fighting, and the prince and queen. It is estimated that she is not on the same side as us. I don't know how she got married. Anyway,Nail Making Machine manufacturers, she is not a good person. Cold, "where did you hear that?"? Little rabbit, don't spread it! It's unbelievable that a little girl could hear such a topic as political struggle.
