Let's get married [entertainment circle] by Feitian Ah Huang

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Let's get married [entertainment circle] by Feitian Ah Huang

Of course he knew why Bai Ke was looking for him, and he couldn't think of any other reason except Enron. But he doesn't think that people like Bai Ke know how to really like and love. At best, it's just the usual possessiveness of the strong. If he has the power to match Bai Ke and Wei Zefeng, he will certainly pursue the person he likes regardless of everything, be considerate of her, love her, and not hurt her a bit. Unfortunately, the reality is cruel, and he is not qualified to compete with Bai Ke at all. His love can only be buried forever and can not see the light. Bai Ke's hand moved, and You Jingyu's forehead slammed into the back of the front seat. His head was briefly dazed by the force of the impact. Fortunately, the back of the top seat protected his forehead moderately and did not cause serious trauma. The look in your eyes makes me sick. Bai Ke looked at You Jingyu as if he were looking at a dirty reptile on the side of the road. Do you think a man like me is not worthy of her, and a coward like you is worthy of her? Stay away from her, because you are Wei Zefeng's people, I will not do anything to you. But if I see your disgusting eyes that make me want to vomit again, I will make you disappear from the entertainment circle forever. Even when he is angry, the ferocity he shows in front of Enron is far less than one in ten thousand of what he treats others. You Jingyu clenched his fist, clenched his teeth and climbed up on the seat,portable gold wash plant, pushed open the door and left the narrow space where every breath made him feel humiliated. Chapter 19 On a rare sunny day, Bai Ke's assistant No.2, Assistant Lin, is in a very bad mood today. After a brief meeting, Bai Ke left him alone. Bai Ke lay on the office chair with his hands clasped in half. He did not speak for a long time. The whole office was so quiet that he could hear the drop of a needle. The sense of oppression made Assistant Lin sweat all over. Assistant Lin's brain is racing, recalling his recent work. The fashion show went smoothly, the new product release was held as scheduled,gold heap leaching, and the new product project is under negotiation, so the two sides only need to improve the details of the contract. He didn't do anything wrong. Why did the boss leave him alone. Is it difficult to find the relationship between the boss and Miss Ann because of the reason for sending clothes, so it is too unfair to kill him. Finally, Bai Ke had a movement, the office chair gently turned, facing him. This is even more stressful. Dear boss, if you have something to say, you should die early and be born early. You say, what is the spirit of our BK? Bai Ke burst out a sentence. Of course, it only makes fine products and does not tolerate any flaws. Although he did not understand what his boss meant, Assistant Lin gave the correct answer. However, after saying that, gold cil machine ,magnetic separator machine, Assistant Lin felt wrong. The boss won't simply ask him about the spirit of enterprise. Is it difficult to test him deliberately, or does it mean something? Gosh, is the boss implying that he is not in line with the company's spirit of enterprise? Or compare him to the company's flaws, do not deserve to stay in the company, so let him take the initiative to resign? Before Bai Ke opened his mouth for the second sentence, Assistant Lin shouted: "Boss!"! Don't fire me, I'll change! "Who said anything about firing you?" Bai Ke was stunned. ...... I was wrong Just pretend I didn't say that. Assistant Lin was in tears. I didn't mean to fire you, but you were wrong. Bai Ke stared at him and said. But he really couldn't guess, and Assistant Lin's heart was wailing. Since the program "Let's get married" has BK's investment and my participation, why is the recording so simple? Eat a meal and cook a dish to make a show? How can this link promote emotional development. Didn't you choose the simplest link for fear of wasting your time and energy? But now Assistant Lin is accepting his boss's criticism without saying a word. When the boss is accountable, he dares to refute, for fear that he is not tired of living. The large-scale horror theme park we invested in, Qinghe Haunted House, has just opened for three months. Let General Manager Liu close the door for one day, vacate the venue, and contact the program group to change the location of the next recording. The boss deserves to be the boss, and what he wants is far-reaching. Assistant Lin cast adoring eyes on Bai Ke. According to the boss's plan, it can not only increase the attraction of the program through horror elements, but also promote their entertainment industry, which is killing two birds with one stone. As for Bai Ke's inner thoughts at the moment. Good, good, this can let Enron feel his reliability and responsibility, not in vain he thought for a long time to come up with such a place. He couldn't wait to see Enron lean on him because he was afraid. Qinghe Haunted House has huge investment, real scenes, professional ghost actors and strange props, as well as the most popular so-called immersive experience. Since its opening, Qinghe Haunted House has quickly topped the list of horror theme parks in P City, attracting a large number of young people who like horror adventure elements. Bai Ke was willing to provide the venue to shoot the program, and the director group was very excited. However, the lighting inside the haunted house is dim, which makes it difficult to shoot. A group of people adjust the equipment and lens, and also equipped with night vision cameras. From time to time, strange music came from the dilapidated haunted house, and a window would suddenly emit red light, which made people feel cold on their backs in broad daylight. Wenwen, facing the busy crowd, sat aside and brushed the comments on the Internet. It is suitable for summer. The ghost who chased me all the way! You get out here! You're the first woman to chase me! "Which greedy ghost brother stole two stewed eggs from my backpack?" "My brother tore my coat, and when I went out, I pressed him in the corner and stripped him of his clothes." "I grabbed my girlfriend's hand and ran for a long time. When I looked back, I almost fainted with a bandaged face." "Hiss ~ just looking at me outside makes me feel cold.". The jump of the program group is too big. I cooked a dish last week and came to the haunted house this week. As if to prove that he was really cold,gold CIP machine, Wenwen cooperated with a shiver. Xiao Li felt the same way. "My friends asked me to come over to play before, but I was too timid to go with them.". It's a good thing I didn't go. When my friend came back, he was in a trance for several days. Wenwen: "Are you scared by ghosts?" 。 ore-magnetic-mining.com
