Golden Silkworm (supernatural fantasy) Author: Hua Xinfeng

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Golden Silkworm (supernatural fantasy) Author: Hua Xinfeng

When two people fought for the third time, Wu Yun deeply understood the wisdom of the country's policy of "only one good". Now he only has two children here, so he can toss about. Remembering his father's generation, under the call of Grandpa Mao, it seems that every family has at least three children, and there are eighty or ninety guerrillas who have more than one child. How did you become a parent at that time? Wu Yun really wanted to travel back in time and space to consult his parents at that time. It's just an idea, of course. After all, now he can't even deal with two little devils, where there is leisure to think about the secret method that can make people meet their ancestors through time and space! Moreover, through what that is the starting point on the God of the protagonists of the patent, he is an ordinary person or do not think about it. Now, he should try not to be the third monk in the "three monks have no water to drink"! To achieve this ambitious goal, the best way is to persist! Stick to it! Hold on! As for the occasional flash in his heart, Wu Yun decided to leave the house alone for the time being, as to what the two little wild horses would do to the house without their own fetters after the holiday. Anyway, let's get drunk tonight, and let's worry tomorrow! Ask if you don't understand. After the first few days of running-in period, the weird threesome life finally got on the right track. Now, every morning when he gets up, Wu Yun will naturally get used to lifting the two little guys on his body,cosmetic packaging wholesale, one on the left and one on the right. The golden silkworm would not have done this before, but since Xu, who followed him home, occupied the general ownership of everything in the house, including Wu Yun, the golden silkworm will automatically and consciously take the rest of it as his own. They also publicize their ownership in various ways from time to time. Then, the two little guys would get up behind Wu Yun and work together to clean the room while Wu Yun was doing self-cleaning. However,Uv Gel Nail Polish Bottle, there is always a clear dividing line in the room cleaned by two people. At the beginning, Wu Yun would occasionally start to clean up the dust line that was too obvious, but soon he was not surprised. Anyway, except for a little bit on the dividing line in the middle, the rest of the place is really spotless. As a single man's dormitory, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with the cleanliness and hygiene to this extent. After breakfast, Wu Yun, the host, went to the canteen to buy breakfast. Wu Yun drove the mini Cooper to work, while Jin Silkworm and Xu went to Xirui Villa where Qin lived to go to school. Work time is Wu Yun now feel the happiest time, even now because the office was upgraded to a branch office and was desperately enslaved by Zhang Lao, even if every day at noon to listen to the clerk sister said they help the trifles, Wu Yun can endure. As long as listening to the occasional sound of soft high-heeled shoes in the corridor outside, Wu Yun could not help feeling that quiet was indeed a virtue. It's just that the two in his family are too short of this virtue. At five o'clock in the afternoon, 30ml dropper bottle ,Glass Cream Jars, Wu Yun drove his car home on time. Although enjoying the quiet atmosphere at work, Wu Yun is not interested in turning himself into a workaholic. On his way home, he would stop his car at the supermarket he passed by, and then choose the cheap and not too bad fruit from the special offer of the day and load it with three or five catties. This was for Xu. Then there was the golden silkworm, which could not be ignored. The special roast chicken was 9.9 yuan a piece, not to mention the nutrition, but the meat flavor was all there, and the price was reasonable. It was just right to deal with the golden silkworm. As for Wu Yun himself, he can only work a little harder, or go back to the canteen. When Wu Yun bought dinner and returned to the house, Jin Silkworm and Xu were almost back. Dinner must be eaten together. Three people each hold their own bags or lunch boxes in the living room to occupy a sofa, and then in line with the principle of eating without words, each stuffy head to finish their dinner. After dinner, the golden silkworm washed the dishes-in fact, the golden silkworm once wanted to push this work to Xu, but his ability to endure dirt was not as good as Xu's, and finally he had to surrender-Xu ran to the bathroom alone and filled the water with Wu Yun's usual big plastic bucket, turned into a prototype and jumped into the water, during which of course there were several small battles. But Wu Yun, who went into the bedroom to play computer after dinner, was out of sight and out of mind. Wu Yun felt that this kind of life was acceptable, and Xu also felt that life was very lively now, but one person was very dissatisfied! That's the golden silkworm! Because Wu Yun is not his own. Unlike Xu, who had just entered the world and didn't know anything, Golden Silkworm had handled several masters before, and then after half a year's training by all kinds of people on the Internet. So, now, compared with Xu, the golden silkworm can be regarded as a potbellied black. Therefore, while acting like a spoiled child and keeping a balanced posture with Xu in front of Wu Yun, he began to seek a solution quietly. Among them, the way of getting along with the three people in Xirui's villa was listed as the key learning content by him. Because Qin still lives in Xirui's villa, the place where he goes to study with Xu every day is Xirui's villa, and what he sees with his own eyes every day is the harmonious and distant coexistence between Qin, Han Yang and Xirui. And this, the golden silkworm most admires is Han Yang, in Qin almost all day long when guarding Xi Rui, as long as he joins in, the feeling is different immediately. Obviously Qin and Xi Rui are also close to each other, and they often sit beside Xi Rui, but as long as Han Yang comes in, even if he just stands far away by the door and says a word, sometimes he doesn't even say a word, just looks at Xi Rui and smiles, the feeling of the whole room is different. Jin Silkworm could clearly feel that although Qin and Xi Rui spent more time together-in his opinion-it was clear that the relationship between Han Yang and Xi Rui was much closer than that between Qin and Xi Rui. Considering his own situation,Plastic Foam Dispenser Bottle, Jin Silkworm felt that Han Yang should be his key learning object. The golden silkworm is a good child who loves learning, and the ability to comprehend is also very good, the most important thing is that the golden silkworm knows the truth of asking.
