The Lucky Lazy Man of Online Games

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The Lucky Lazy Man of Online GamesThe Lucky Lazy Man of Online GamesThe Lucky Lazy Man of Online Games

Cold night asks: "eldest brother, according to you so say, the person that knows Yan Er younger sister is jinx is not much?" "Of course," said Jin Dao with a wry smile. "Otherwise, I'm afraid all the people in the Sword Devil City will be scared away." Cold night analysed carefully, ask again: "eldest brother, listen to Yan Er younger sister to say, her misfortune won't bring any disaster to you, be?" Jin Dao nodded and said, "Yes!"! Maybe I have antibodies! Cold night says again: "eldest brother, listen to you a moment ago to say, I thought of a problem, you analyse.". Take the Sword Devil Restaurant for example, Yaner sister ate a meal, the restaurant is losing money, but the restaurant is slowly losing money, in this sense, does it mean that Yaner sister's influence has chronic characteristics. And every time to Zhu Longquan there, he will be unlucky, in this sense, Yaner sister influence has the characteristics of acute. Jin Dao was puzzled and asked,smartboards for business, "What do you mean, brother?" Leng Ye said, "Elder brother, since Sister Yan'er has such great'power ', why don't we make good use of it and use it to attack the enemy?"! The meeting we just had was very successful, but sometimes man is not as good as God. He is ambitious to dominate the world. Even if we form an alliance with the other four factions, maybe he will give up. Just in case, I think the eldest brother might as well take Yaner sister to visit the leader of the six big gangs in a big way. They didn't dare not give you the face of the golden marshal before the war. Childe brother to visit the'allies',touch screen whiteboard, you and Yaner sister to visit the'enemy ', hey.. Jin Dao was stupefied at first, then smiled and said, "Brother, I remember a brain teaser question: 'Where does acne grow without worrying?'". Brother, your brain is really fast, to arrange a suitable position for it, high! It's really high! "Elder brother," said Leng Ye with a smile, "how can you describe Yan'er as a whelk?" Then, two men laughed again in the meeting hall of the Sword Demon Shrine. 206 Water is like orchid Early the next morning, Leng Ye appeared in Mozambique with Frost and others. To the surprise of the cold night, more than 90% of the players in this area entered after the Indian Ocean tsunami, and the general level of players is around 20. To the relief of the cold night, the players in this area are different from the previous Three Kingdoms. They seem to have a special preference for upgrading Daguai. The arrival of the cold night was like sending charcoal in the snow, interactive touch screens education ,digital interactive whiteboard, which not only solved their urgent need, but also made them "equipped without worries" in the next three or four months. Cold night is still a little worried about Jin Nanyan's remaining prestige, so he is not in a hurry to complete the SSS-level task. For the next few days, he is doing "volunteer work", taking the low-level players around Maputo, the main city of Mozambique, and drinking "cashew wine" with them. Several women said they had something to do and went back one by one, which made the cold night somewhat disappointed. In the real world, Mozambique is the unique "home of cashew nuts" in the world. It is said that the Portuguese brought several cashew seeds from Brazil and planted them on the land of Mozambique. What they didn't expect was that these seeds would blossom and bear fruit comfortably here. After the successful trial planting, people introduced them one after another, and a large number of local monkeys also added fuel to the flames, spreading the seeds everywhere in the migration. Unlike most hot and dry African countries, Mozambique has a mild climate, less flooding and drought, abundant sunshine and stable temperatures, which are most suitable for the growth of cashew trees. Cashew nuts have brought considerable wealth to Mozambicans, and Mozambique has become the "home of cashew nuts". The developer of the game is also really intentional, not only to introduce cashew nuts into the game, but also specially designed a set of technology for Mozambican players to make wine. According to a Mozambican player who entered the game early, his winemaking skills have reached the level of a master, which is sweet and delicious. However, due to the small number of Mozambican players who entered the game in the early days, a bottle of gold coins could not be sold, so the cashew wine he brewed became old. The longer the wine is kept, the better it will be. As soon as the cold night touched it, he fell in love with the "old wine" and bought up all his old goods at the price of two gold coins a bottle, totaling 20000 bottles. To Leng Ye's surprise, the 20000 bottles of wine later became a prize for the members who had made great contributions to the Sword Demon Shrine. After learning that Leng Ye likes to drink cashew wine, several enthusiastic Mozambican players took Leng Ye to a cave more than 20 kilometers south of Maputo. Here, in the cold night, he drank the cashew monkey wine brewed by Lingyun First Wine Monkey. Not only that, he also defeated the 75-level BOSS one-armed golden monkey in the cave and robbed the monkey's wine cellar in one breath. Leng Ye had been in Mozambique for four days, and as soon as he returned to Sword Devil City, Frost gave him the good news. Husband, Dulong fought with his mistress, Shao Jingyan. "Frost, when did you start caring about other people's private lives? Do you want me to hit you, too?" "Well, are you willing to give up?"? They said that the lone dragon dominated the world and fought with the young Jingyan's Rose Gang. "Did you send a reporter?" "All-pervasive has already taken DV in the past." "Oh, I forgot to give him the invisibility ring. Maybe I can take a close-up." "Husband, why don't you ask them why they're fighting?" "I'm not a tabloid reporter. I just need to know the result." You are a lazy fellow. Not only that, just yesterday, the three major gangs in Qinglong City, the sixth-ranked Night City and the seventh-ranked League of Legends jointly captured the tenth-ranked Magic Temple. It's a pity that the guild with the highest average level was destroyed overnight! It is a pity The cold night smiled and said nothing. Suddenly, his beeper rang, and it was from the down-and-out childe. Saya, come to the Women's Elite Club. Master Shui wants to see you. "Childe, where will the female elite be?" "East of Suzaku City." Is Sister Shuang in? She knows. Leng Ye did not expect that the work of the down-and-out childe was really in place,65 inch touch screen, and even went deep into the interior of the "daughter country". Let the cold night take the girl to play Daguai and practice, but if you really want to pull him to a formal occasion to negotiate with the girl, he is really a little confused.
