Er Ya-Record of the Seven and Five Strange Cases

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Er Ya-Record of the Seven and Five Strange CasesEr Ya-Record of the Seven and Five Strange Cases

It didn't seem long before the battle was over. The shadow guards fell behind Zhao Pu and Gongsun. The ochre shadow glanced at the large dead bodies that had fallen to the ground and reported back, "Wang Ye, there are twenty-three people in total." "Look at their chests." Zhao Pu ordered. The shadow guards opened the front of the jacket of the man in black one by one, and saw that each of them had the symbol of fireflies tattooed on his chest. It seems that someone has lost his composure. Zhao Pu looked down at Gongsun with a smile. Gongsun also looked at him, and they began to look at each other. For a long time. Listen to Gongsun Dao, "Let go of your hand!" -_-…… Zhao Pu shyly let go of his hand and looked around awkwardly, "well." Where to go next? "Gongsun thought for a moment and said," I'm going to Taolin County. Zhao Pu nodded: "Good!"! Well, why don't you find a place to rest and go in the morning? Gongsun looked at Zhao Pu a little embarrassed: "Well." I can go by myself. You "No!" Zhao Pu immediately refused, "you can see how dangerous it was just now." But Gongsun rubbed his chin, "it's not very safe to be with you." …… Sweat. When they arrived at Taolin County, it was almost dawn. After seeing the waist card of Kaifeng Prefecture, the young county magistrate welcomed Gongsun and Zhao Pu in with trepidation. The magistrate, surnamed Fan, was quite young and looked less than thirty. As soon as Gongsun saw him, he asked, "Has Magistrate Fan just taken office?" "Ah, yes." Fan Xian Ling Dao, "XiaGuan just took office last year." "Who was the magistrate of Taolin County seven years ago?" Gongsun then asked. It should be Lord He. Magistrate Fan thought for a moment and said,White Marble Slabs, "He Jiaqi, who left office and returned home last year, Lord He." "He Jiaqi?" Zhao Pu was suddenly stunned. "Why do you seem to have heard of it somewhere?" After thinking about it, he suddenly called out to the door, "Ochre Shadow!" The ochre shadow had arrived at Zhao Pu's side in a twinkling of an eye and whispered something in Zhao Pu's ear. Zhao Pu's face cooled down in an instant, nodded gently to the ochre shadow, and the ochre shadow left immediately. What's going on? What's the problem? Gongsun felt something strange about Zhao Pu. ……” Zhao Pu was silent for a while,Marble Granite Price, then he resumed his relaxed expression and said, "It's no big deal. You go on. I'll go outside to get some air." Then he turned and left. Gongsun asked Fan some questions absentmindedly, but he knew almost nothing about the black dog case seven years ago and the mountain fire case ten years ago, as well as Chen Feifei. Gongsun, who had found nothing, took some records of the case and left the house. Outside the government office, Zhao Pu was leaning against the stone Kirin in front of the door, bowing his head and frowning. When Gongsun walked up to him, Zhao Pu turned his head and smiled. "Have you finished?" Gongsun looked at him for a moment and then suddenly asked, "Where are your shadow guards?" Zhao Pu was slightly stupefied and said with a smile, "They are all where they should be." "Call them out." Gongsun was in hot pursuit. ……” Zhao Pu sighed and said, "I'll let them move freely and have a meal or something." Gongsun stared into Zhao Pu's eyes, took a step back, white marble mosaic ,Pietra Gray Marble, and then turned and walked away. Gongsun. Wait Zhao Pu caught up with two steps and grabbed Gongsun. "Where are you going?" "Let go, I don't believe you!" Gongsun struggled twice, did not break away, see Zhao Pu or a face like a smile, can not help burning with anger, raised his hand to fight. The other hand was also grabbed by Zhao Pu. Let it go! Liar Gongsun was caught with both hands and kicked with his feet. I don't seem to have done anything. Why are you so fierce? Zhao Pu was kicked several times by him, and it was not easy to fight back. I feel strange, you a Wang Ye, why want to investigate this kind of case with me, you simply have other plans. Just a few men in black, you obviously can leave alive, but you all killed, that what he Jiaqi, you heard the name began to arrange, now your shadow guard must have been sent out by you. You Before Gongsun had finished speaking, he was gagged by Zhao Pu. In view of the fact that Zhao Pu's hands are holding Gongsun's hands, so he can use to block Gongsun's mouth, only. Excessive shock finally let the excited Gongsun quiet down, he did not know how to react, just stare at Zhao Pu. "Listen!" Zhao Pu said earnestly, "I really want to check the news about fireflies when I come with you, but the main purpose is to be afraid that you will be in danger.". I didn't lie to you. I killed the men in black because they might hurt you. What happened just now. Zhao Pu sighed, "Ying Wei was indeed sent out by me, but not as you think, I have heard the name of He Jiaqi." Because, he Yihang's father is also this name. Seeing that Gongsun's eyes widened again, Zhao Pu said to him with a wry smile, "Xiaohe came to the border when he was more than ten years old, and he has been my brother for more than ten years." There are some things I must find out. Do you understand? After a while, Gongsun finally nodded his head. That Next, shall we go back to Kaifeng? Zhao Pu let go of Gongsun, rubbed his hands, and asked with a slight embarrassment. Uh Gongsun nodded in agreement and turned around. Zhao Pu finally breathed a sigh of relief and was about to catch up when suddenly Gongsun in front of him suddenly turned around and stepped on his foot. "Wow." Zhao Pu jumped in pain: "You..." Before he had finished, Gongsun gave him another hard push in front of his chest and scolded him, "Bastard!" Turned around and stormed off. Zhao Pu, who had fallen to the ground, looked at Gongsun's back and suddenly laughed. Touching his mouth, the soft and cool touch seemed to remain on it. One word, "cool"! "Ah." Zhanjingtian, who had been lying at the window of the inn all night, also sneezed a lot. Rub nose to ask oneself, why should crouch here? Who invented squatting, the least efficient and most tasteless method in the world? He was complaining,pietra gray marble, but his shoulder was patted by Bai Yutang on the side. Surprise, turn around. He saw Bai Yutang pointing in the direction of the Evening Wind Tower. Jingtian looked in the direction he pointed and saw a familiar carriage parked in front of the Evening Wind Tower, which was Qi Yue's carriage.
