Gong QingGong Qing

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Gong QingGong QingGong QingGong QingGong QingGong QingGong QingGong QingGong QingGong Qing

Eyes turned forward, Chen Fengbai riding a horse, is walking in front of the distance, red dress against the purplish red Rouge horse, in the warm and cold wind, Yili forward, not like to marry, but some spring lakeside fish and flowers feeling. Withdraw the hand, let oneself immerse in this enchanting red, the sedan chair rises and falls slightly between walking, just like my mood at the moment. In this small space that is temporarily isolated from the surroundings, I think that life is always unexpected. For example, I never thought that one day I would marry Chen Fengbai. Obviously, they were two people who had nothing to do with each other, but they were tied together by mistake. It suddenly occurred to me that I had read a story about an old man on the moon. It was about a young man who met an old man with white hair and beard under the moon. The old man was reading a book, but there were still many red ropes in the old man's bag. The young man felt strange and went to ask what was going on. The old man told him that what was written in the book was about the marriage of men and women in the world. The red rope is used to tie the feet of the couple. Despite the deep hatred between men and women, as long as the red thread is tied to the feet of both sides, it will eventually form a good marriage, and can not be changed. In the past, I have always regarded this as a distant legend, until today, I have some understanding of the taste, marriage is doomed, so no matter how many times I have the opportunity to marry Yiru, in the end, there will always be such and such things come out,Porcelain Marble Slabs, and these things, it seems that as long as I insist, or give up some, can change the results. But I always have a lot of reasons to make things logical. I began to believe that marriage was determined by heaven. I silently recited this sentence and looked at the red decoration of the new house and the flickering dragon and phoenix candles on the table. I was alone in a trance until Shuhe, who was outside, raised his voice and said, "My son-in-law is coming." I pulled the veil down again, covering the world in front of me, and sat upright, only to hear the door creak,Calacatta Nano Glass, someone came in, and then the door was closed with a creak. By this time, I felt a little nervous. It was the first time I had married a man who was not familiar but not strange after two lifetimes. It was funny to say. I waited in silence for a while. The room was so quiet that I could hear my heartbeat, as if no one had come in. I waited a little longer, but there was still no sound. I couldn't help lifting the veil again. As soon as I looked up, I saw Chen Fengbai standing in a red dress, with his back against the door, looking at me quietly. Between his eyebrows, it was hard to distinguish between sorrow and joy. When I looked at him, I smiled leisurely. I looked at him and tried to recall the flash of his expression just now, but the speed was so fast that I seemed to see something, but I didn't seem to see anything. The hijab should have waited for me to lift it. While I was thinking, he had approached, put down the veil again, and lifted it with a weighing pole. Cover this thing, originally both men and women have not seen, blind marriage dumb marriage, used to cover up, Agate Slabs For Sale ,Artificial Marble Slabs, so that men see women first, women see men first, do not see each other, stir up the wedding, we have not seen, why so? I laughed, but I didn't know what I was laughing at. When the bridegroom lifted the veil and saw the bride, it was supposed to be tender and the wedding was like a dream. Your Highness, can't you understand the amorous feelings once? Why spoil the scene like this? Chen Fengbai also smiled, looking very happy, while throwing away the weighing pole and the veil, sitting heavily beside me, watching with me most of the red candles burning on the table. The night was getting deeper and deeper. After tossing and turning all day, I began to feel dizzy, and my eyelids were sticking to one place intimately. Chen Fengbai was unusually silent. I peeked at him several times, but I saw that he was just staring at the candlelight, and there was no expression on his face. No matter how long we have known each other, a man who is always hard to figure out, I think, the bet is really a little bigger, but life is like chess, no regrets, until the end, we should never admit defeat first. So, I suddenly got up, went to the dressing table, took off my head full of pearls and golden phoenixes, cleaned my face, took off the dress outside behind the screen, and returned to the bedside again. I wanted to blow out the candles directly so as not to affect my dreams, but I seem to remember that my mother told me yesterday that the candles in the bridal chamber could not be extinguished, so I went to the table and came back. Chen Fengbai looked like waking up from a dream and looked at me with clear and clear eyes, which was the feeling I had when I first met him. I'm tired and I want to sleep. You can choose to go to bed, on the ground or sit at the table. I told him, and then pull the quilt, lie down, no longer look at him, it is too sleepy, if possible, I hope the sun can rise two hours later. Go to sleep, it's really late. Chen Fengbai's voice sounded very light, as if he had said something, but I really didn't hear it clearly, or I didn't remember it. The beginning of spring is still cold. I am used to being woken up in the early morning. But before I opened my eyes today, I only felt warm and dreamless all night. Although the sleep time was shorter, the quality of sleep was good. I moved my body with satisfaction, but felt that I had touched something. I woke up with a surprise and looked at a pair of misty but thick black eyes. There was a moment of surprise, but the red around me reminded me that last night was our wedding night. Since it was justified, it was too cold at night, and my body automatically found a warm place. Chen Fengbai's embrace was very warm, and I thought with some shame. The sun was already shining through the window. I had been practicing very hard all these years, and I had never stayed in bed at this time. However, Chen Fengbai only looked at me once, and then closed his eyes again. After a moment of breathing, he fell asleep again. The most hateful thing was that he was asleep, but his arm under my head was not withdrawn. The room was very cold, and his arms were very warm. Isn't that embarrassing for me? Turned over,Stone Honeycomb Panel, pulled away from him, no sleepiness, then got up. forustone.com
