The realm of gods and demons

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Already released the demon king fighting gas, at the moment because of my anger and kept huff and puff a stream of air, when the running thunder chop finally cut out

Kill nature is not stupid, since he saw the crossbow-shaped weapon that Meidan took out, he knew that his spring was coming soon! Think of here. The attack of killing is more fierce! Hurry up, just hang up this Meidan quickly, then you can get your own weapon! At this moment, Meidan's dying counterattack is also launched! The huge black body of Inner Dan roared fiercely to the sky. Then he looked at us with sullen faces and shouted, "Go to hell, all of you!" Although, I saw his hands swing quickly, in the case we can not see clearly, countless arrows like rain were launched by him quickly! Danger! When this idea just came into being, I had already hit no less than three crossbow arrows! To my horror, one of the crossbow systems actually prompted me to say that it had produced a killing blow! But in the face of my anti-dragon constitution, than kill a blow can not be effective, and finally converted into a certain amount of damage. Sweat! Fortunately, man, I have a lot of things to save my life. No, the others! Just as I was thinking about the safety of other people, the good believer suddenly burst out with a loud roar, and suddenly started the skill of the God of War suit! Zhanshen Chuan Cheng gains the power of Zhanshen,Pi tape measure, increases all his attributes by 100%, and has magic immunity effect! Fifty percent chance to kill skills are invalid! At the beginning, I was so envious of this skill that I almost stripped off the God of War suit from the followers of the Good Messenger. Sweat! The hero does not mention the courage of the past. Although the God of War suit as a whole is much worse than my Demon King suit, this God of War is absolutely feasible for magicians! Even thieves will have a headache occupation, think about it, if a thief's bad luck is not easy to break out a big than kill a blow, but let other people's God of war pass into resistance. Then I vomit blood. It seems that the followers of the good envoys have also encountered the situation of killing! Otherwise,Walking tape measure, it will not automatically inspire the God of War to pass on this skill of protecting the Lord! After all, although this skill is abnormal, it can only last for three minutes, and can only be used once a day! Therefore, it is not necessary to make good use of believers unless absolutely necessary! In the blink of an eye, I had already thought of the original, but the three laments behind me made me suddenly excited! Someone's dead! This is my first reaction, after all, I and good believers have encountered this situation, then other people must not be much better! Hurriedly looked back, want to know who was hung up. After all, we have been together for so long, except that I did that super perverted task in Japan once, no one has ever hung up! This time it appeared three times at once! In the process of turning back, Fish measuring board ,Surveyors tape measure, a burst of violent elemental energy exploded behind me, which I am familiar with, when we fought against God before the birth of the third child! The energy of life! It's Xiang'er, there's Xiang'er in the people who just hung up! Nope I roared and looked back. I saw three people standing behind me with the highest injury to Meidan, Aoxue and Guoguo. Xiang son, unexpectedly is the body hit by several arrows! At this moment, Xiang'er is turning into a beautiful phoenix in the sky, ready to rise from the ashes! Aoxue is better, just on her way to understand the skills of life reconstruction! At this moment, she is turning into a green light, and infinite vitality is brewing and breeding in it. Re-create a living life! And finally, the fruit. My lovely Guoguo. It's turning into a white light and disappearing! Roar! It seems that all kinds of fruit in the past have emerged again in front of us. The joy of getting the equipment I sent, the sadness brought by my neglect of her, the stubbornness of standing bravely in front of me to block the wine for me, and the nifty drawing pictures on my face while I was sleeping. The vivid impact of the scenes as if the film at a glance quickly slipped in front of the eyes, and finally fixed in the fruit disappeared when left behind with a touch of pale white light! Son of a bitch, Meydan! I'll kill you! How dare you hurt my three most important women at the same time! Although other people do not have the unlucky hanging point, but also is beaten very miserably, how can I swallow this tone! Carrying the dragon sword upside down, I spread the wings of the demon God behind me and rushed to Meidan quickly. After the round of attack just now, Meidan had exhausted his last bit of strength! Now. For Meidan, my attack can be said to be fatal and irresistible! Came to the front of Meidan, first a powerful running thunder chop. With my boundless anger, the Thunder Chop burst out with unprecedented energy. Already released the demon king fighting gas, at the moment because of my anger and kept huff and puff a stream of air, when the running thunder chop finally cut out, part of the fighting gas immediately condensed into the dragon knife above! Success once again let me send out a fierce knife gas! Hiss. A knife mercilessly cut on the body of Meidan, but because he dodged, and hit the vital point with the United States, but only on his right shoulder, but, even so, the powerful knife gas rush thunder cut on the body of Meidan that is not good at close combat, although did not kill him but also succeeded in cutting off one of his arms! "This is for my first wife, Xiang'er!" Looking at the arm that fell to the ground, I shouted loudly to vent my rage. Holding the sniper's right arm was broken by my shoulder, I did not pay attention to the sniper, I believe that the killer will not miss this opportunity, so I am still continuing my attack! A deadly attack! Without giving Meidan a chance to resist, I lifted my right leg hard and pushed Meidan out with my knee, who was bending down because of pain. His body bent from the inner bow to the outer bow in a very short time, and then I waved the dragon sword again, and I shouted at Meidan, who was unable to resist and could only watch me helplessly, "Breaking the sky!" Buzz. A strong tremor,horse weight tape, a sharp knife like a huge dragon pointing angrily at the sky, slowly turned into a huge blade tearing the world apart with my movements and cut Meidan, who was already pale in front of me! Boom! Poof.
