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lanzirolri 新しい記事を作成しました
3 年 - 翻訳

Professional Numpy 2d Gaussian Registration .rar Serial | #numpy-2d-gaussian

Professional Numpy 2d Gaussian Registration .rar Serial

Professional Numpy 2d Gaussian Registration .rar Serial

Feb 26, 2020 — NumPy Array Object Exercises, Practice and Solution: Write a NumPy program to generate a generic 2D Gaussian-like array.. I intend to fit a 2D Gaussian function to images showing a laser beam to get its ... import scipy.optimize as opt import numpy as np import pylab as pl








nanwinsrumal 新しい記事を作成しました
3 年 - 翻訳

Soothe Plugin Full X32 Utorrent Rar Ultimate Windows | #soothe-plugin

Soothe Plugin Full X32 Utorrent Rar Ultimate Windows

Soothe Plugin Full X32 Utorrent Rar Ultimate Windows

Nov 13, 2020 — Sonible plugins like Frei:raum also help. Anyway, I don't feel the need to get Soothe to fight unwanted resonances, while I can use the entire .... After the runaway success of v1, the second iteration of this excellent plugin takes the dynamic EQ concept to new hei