2 年 - 翻訳

What is a Brand?
A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the eyes of the customer. Having a strong brand presence is essential for businesses today, and no matter the size of your business, investing in a brand agency in Dubai can help you develop a unique identity. The brand agency can help you define your brand’s voice and create a style guide to ensure your messaging is consistent across all channels.

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Webmaster at Mightywarner's answer to What is a brand? - Quora

Webmaster at Mightywarner's answer to What is a brand? - Quora

Webmaster at Mightywarner's answer: A brand is a product, service, or design that differentiates itself from other sellers in the market. It makes marketing and communication easy. It is to create a positive position and build strong brand loyal