Brand loyalty and the role of packaging

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Packaging plays a significant role in shaping consumers’ perceptions of a product’s quality and brand loyalty.

Show Your Brand Personality In Your Packaging

When making online purchases, customers want to be sure of the brand of the product they are purchasing. According to this study, 52% of online consumers say they would likely return to a store for another purchase if their products are packaged exceptionally.

Consumer perception of brand identity is crucial in keeping old customers, as well as expanding market share. Ensuring that your customers can associate your packaging clearly with strong brand characteristics such as brand identity and style, uniqueness, color, and appearance is a good first step.

For example, Phil Heath provides customers with a cool positioning statement inside their box: “Show Your Strength”.

When a consumer spots your products, your brand should be easily named, and designs must be simple and easy to read. Not only does this eliminate any fears on the part of your consumers, but it also assures them of your brand’s promise to deliver a quality experience since your packaging links your products directly to your brand.


Include An Easy-to-use Guide for Your Products

Convenience and ease of use is another major factor that will determine how much of your existing or old customers you can easily retain. While customers will be drawn to the appearance and attractiveness of your package, you also want to make sure that they are not left ultimately disappointed or clueless on how to use your products. The inclusion of an easy-to-use or how-to guide for your customers will demonstrate to them your keen interest to satisfy their needs promptly and quickly, as well as improve their overall shopping experience. This will certainly make them come back for future purchases.


For More Info: Brand loyalty and the role of packaging
