we focus on Conservative Pain Management treatment.
We know we can help treat and manage whatever pain you are having without having to immediately resort to prescription opioids.
We have a diverse list of possible treatments strategies, but some of the most common are the:
Development of an aerobic exercise regimen
Teaching different types of stretching and massages that can relieve pain
Prescription of non-opioid, non-addictive coadjuvant medications such as NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, and nerve medications
Use of manipulative therapy like osteopathic adjustments and physical or chiropractic therapy
Use of standard physical therapy sessions
Use of treatment modalities including transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), ultrasound, hot packs, and cold therapy
Through these strategies, we have helped countless patients work through their pain without the risks of opioid medications.
It is a lot more work than writing a prescription and sending you on your way, but our goal is to understand your pain and find the healthiest and safest long-term treatment option.
If there is any way to achieve that goal with a conservative approach, then Foothills Pain Management Clinic will find it.
more: https://foothillspainmanagementclinic.com/conservative-treatment