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Student life is full of complications.They can take the help assignment help services and make their academic life easy. Today, we are going to discuss the importance of academic life in a student life.

They probably didn't make it too long back in the day right they would have been weeded out but the thing is life today is very different than it was back then we don't have to fear for our life going to get food anymore the tricky part is that many ways our cognitive processes are still the same we are wired to be afraid and this can be a problem because if these fears limit our ability to grow or live the life that we want to live then that fear that primal instinct can be a barrier because the human body will always take the path of least resistance and for us that means avoiding the problem it's just easier right if i'm scared of public speaking it is exponentially easier for me to avoid the problem and not deal with it i can eliminate the pain and discomfort by simply staying home but here's the issue with that mentality life is too short and too precious to waste think about all the opportunities we'd miss if we ran the other way and hid every time we were afraid if we never pushed ourselves.

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if we never broke through the barrier of the unknown and sought out more it would be a tragedy we'd live a fraction of the life that we're capable of living so the big question is how how do we overcome fear well it turns out the answer is simple it's just not easy if you've ever jumped into a freezing cold pool you'll be able to relate to this as soon as your body hits the water you go through extreme discomfort right pins needles that quick shock you feel the only thing on your mind is being out of the pool being warm but as time goes by this changes your body acclimates you adjust and after five minutes you can get out you can jump back in there's no discomfort you're completely fine well facing our fears follows a very similar pattern the more we expose ourselves to a certain stimulus the more comfortable we become tim ferriss references this in the context of going to a crowded place a sprawling out on the floor lying on your back.

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As people walk by it's an incredibly difficult and anxiety-inducing thing to do right it goes against every instinct we have but something happens when you get back up you've taught your brain that there are no negative repercussions that it's okay and this pushes the bar a little higher makes you a little braver stretches your boundaries a little further emphasizing the point that to get what we want out of life to overcome fear to be better than we were yesterday we cannot avoid what makes us uncomfortable quite the opposite we need more exposure to it to destroy your fears you need to muster up the courage to stare them in the face and that's tough right our mind tricks us into thinking about worst case scenario but if you can change your mentality to see not the downside but the upside life changes along with it now the scariest outcome isn't failure or having to backtrack or being wrong the scariest outcome is doing nothing what we eventually learn is that dark mysterious unknown isn't half as scary as standing still and watching life go by it's no secret [Music] that the best things in life come with the biggest price tags the victories the transformation the things that ultimately define your journey they're made of something different and in fact if you look at the etymology of the word extraordinary it means outside the normal course of events it means it requires of you something bigger robert frost has a beautiful quote that the best way out is always through the only way to redefine reality is to stop running in place.
