How to save money with electric heating?

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Make sure it is appropriate to install such a meter in your case. There are nuances here because, with such devices, the payment for electricity depends on the time of day.

Tip #1. Consider installing a multi-tariff meter

If you have a two-rate meter installed, your electricity bills will be calculated according to the following scheme.
From 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., electricity is charged at the 100% "daytime" rate.
From 23:00 to 7:00 - the "night" tariff works, i.e. 70% of the existing tariff.
There are no pitfalls here - use maximum electricity at night and save money.

By installing a three-rate meter, you get three billing zones.
During peak hours (8:00-11:00 and 20:00-22:00), you pay what's known as the "peak" 1.5 tariff.
At nighttime hours (23:00-7:00), it is paid at 0.4 tariffs.
At other times (7:00-8:00, 11:00-20:00, 22:00-23:00) - according to the current standard electricity tariff.

To save money, it is necessary to minimize electricity use during "peak" hours and increase electricity use at night.

The disadvantage is that the "peak" rate falls at exactly the time when people wake up and turn on their appliances. Or when everyone returns home and turns on electric appliances again - kettles, air conditioners, TVs, washing machines, dishwashers, etc. Agree, not everyone will be disciplined to keep track of the clock. In this case, more appropriate will be the installation of a time relay. The price for a relay starts at $5. It will turn off the heating system at hours when electricity is more expensive. Another minus is the cost of installing a triple tariff meter. Approximately 40 dollars, including the cost of services of the oblenergo for connection and sealing the counter. This is completely unreasonable at facilities where electricity consumption is low - less than 500 kWh. At large objects, it can pay off in 1.5-2 years if used rationally.


Tip #2. Get a preferential tariff for electric heating
Get a preferential tariff for electricity and save on electricity bill during the heating period.
The owners of private houses and apartments equipped with electric heating system in accordance with the established procedure, during the heating period (from October 1 to April 30) pay for electricity at the so-called reduced rate. The cost is 90 kopecks up to and including 3000 kWh.
It is advisable to ask your local regional power supply company about the details of the preferential tariff.

