How to QuickBooks Error in Reload.sql At Line?

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In this article you will get the latest DIY solutions to fix QuickBooks error in Reload.sql At Line issue. So, keep reading it till the end of this post.

Error in Reload.sql while working on QuickBooks for Windows occurs when users try accessing the accountant transfer file with QBX extension. This error pops up at line XXXXX of the Sybase warning message. This error can occur in variegated forms.

This blog shall discuss the multiple solutions for fixing reload.sql in QuickBooks for Windows. Thus, keep an eye here to read more about this issue.

Various Errors related to reload.sql issue in QuickBooks for Windows

The error in reload.sql might occur as any of the following error messages:

“Error in reload.sql at line 29886. Sybase message: cannot convert hex string to varbinary”


 “Error in reload.sql at line 25514. Sybase message: Right truncation of string data”

You might see the following error message on your computer screen:

Major factors that lead to error in reload.sql in QuickBooks for Windows

  • QuickBooks installed incorrectly or partially.
  • The settings of QuickBooks may be misconfigured.
  • The size of the file might be crossing the specified limit of 3 MB.

Solutions to fix Error in reload.sql in line 29886 and 25514

  • Open the Company file from the location where the accountant copy transfer file was created.
  • Proceed by deleting any restriction imposed on the accountant copy.
  • Make a new accountant copy and after that, forward it to your accountant.

Solutions to fix Error in reload.sql at line 40454

A common form of the reload.sql error that may show up is:

“Reload.sql at line 40454. Sybase message: File invalid when disk sandbox enabled for database”

The procedure to fix this error is:

Solution 1: Get the file restored locally

Step 1: Locally move the file

  • Open the local folder to save the file.
  • The next step requires right-clicking on this folder.
  • Now, choose New.
  • Hit on the Folder.
  • Name this folder and ensure to avoid use of special characters like! " # $ % ‘ * + , - . / : ; = ? @ [ ] ^ { | }.

  • After renaming the folder, move to the portable company file folder or the folder containing the accountant’s copy.
  • Right-click the file.
  • Now, hit on Copy.
  • Move to the folder that you created earlier and paste the copied file in the folder.

Step 2: Open or restore accountant file

  • Keep holding the Ctrl key.
  • Soon after, launch the QuickBooks program.
  • Within the program, click on the option to restore the portable company file or the accountant copy.

Read Also: How to Fix QuickBooks Multi User Mode not Working?

Solution 2: Run QuickBooks Install Diagnostic tool

  • Allow it to diagnose any issues and let the tool automatically resolve any technical issues in the accounting program.
  • Then, restart QuickBooks.
  • This should fix Error in reload.sql in QuickBooks.

Conclusive Lines..!

This should fix QuickBooks error in reload.sql at line. Different types of technical issues keep hampering QB users. If you too are facing any technical snags in the accounting program, just give us a call at the helpline 1-800-761-1787. Our QuickBooks error support executives will be happier to provide a feasible assistance to you.
