COVID-19 によるビジネス成長への影響と 2024 ~ 2031 年の予測を考慮した M ヘルス市場分析

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mHealth (モバイル ヘルス) 市場には、ヘルスケアの提供と管理をサポートするモバイル テクノロジ ソリューションが含まれます。この市場には、患者ケアの強化、健康成果の改善、ヘルスケアへのアクセス性の向上を


mHealth(モバイルヘルス)市場には、ヘルスケアの提供と管理をサポートするモバイルテクノロジーソリューションが含まれます。この市場は、患者ケアの強化、健康成果の改善、医療へのアクセスの向上を目的としたモバイル アプリ、ウェアラブル デバイス、リモート モニタリング ツールを網羅しています。この市場は、スマートフォンの普及、ワイヤレス テクノロジーの進歩、コスト効率の高い医療ソリューションの必要性によって推進されています。
市場レポートには、予測期間の定性的および定量的な市場分析が含まれています。これは、いくつかの業界が意思決定を改善し、主要な目標を達成するのに役立つように行われます。グローバル MHealth 市場レポートには、成長率が最も高い地域の包括的な分析、地理的レベルの内訳の全体的な感覚、市場収益が最も高い地域、今後のテクノロジー、地理的内訳、規制ポリシー、重要な企業プロファイルとビジネス戦略が含まれています。
市場生産、市場シェア、収益、および各主要ビジネスの成長率はすべて、地域、アプリケーション、およびタイプ固有のデータとともに、mHealth 市場調査レポートに含まれています。調査レポートでは、いくつかの企業の可能性と拡張の可能性も調査しています。


Sample Report


Revenue and forecasts by region, service, and application are the main topics of detailed market segmentation in the report. The study segments the MHealth market by platform, product, capacity, and region, providing readers with a comprehensive overview of the sector. The major market segments were studied in light of recent and expected trends.

By Component

mHealth App
by Participant

Mobile Participants,
By Device Vendor
, Content Player
, Healthcare Provider
, and Service

Monitoring services,
diagnostic services, healthcare
, and other Covid-19
impact analysis

The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic is specifically described in a dedicated section of the MHealth market research report. This epidemic has changed the world and has had a tremendous impact on the fate of our way of life, economy, and business. That journey was reflected in the fluctuations in stock prices. Some companies have reached record heights due to the acceleration of the underlying dynamics, while others face greater obstacles.

Regional Outlook

Europe, Latin America, North America, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa are just a few of the regions covered. There are six major geographical regions that make up the mHealth market, each with its own revenue, market share, sales, and growth rate.

Competitive Analysis

Information and insights about the organization are provided in the Competitive Analysis section of the global mHealth market. These companies are adopting various strategies to boost their market revenue, such as product launches, alliances, technological advancements, agreements, and collaborations. The insights from the research report include estimating business revenues by region, market analysis by company status, and competitiveness.

Key questions answered in the mHealth market report

What notable trends have emerged in different parts of the world?

What are some of the key events that impacted your target market?

Which geographical market dominated the global market recently?

Market research on mHealth examines how different market variables qualitatively impact geography and market segmentation. The study is based on first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative analysis by experts in the field, and recommendations from key players in the value chain and industry experts.

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Key players

The major players are AT&T, google, Samsung Electronics, Telefonica, SoftServe, Apple, Orange, mQure, Qualcomm Technologies, Vodafone Group and others.

About Us:

SNS Insider is one of the leading market research and consulting agencies that dominates the market research industry globally. Our company's aim is to give clients the knowledge they require in order to function in changing circumstances. In order to give you current, accurate market data, consumer insights, and opinions so that you can make decisions with confidence, we employ a variety of techniques, including surveys, video talks, and focus groups around the world.

Contact info

Akash Anand – Head of Business Development & Strategy

Phone: +1-415-230-0044 (US) | +91-7798602273 (IND)



