The entertainment circle of rebirth

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I silently recited the speech in my heart and prepared to go on stage. In fact, as early as a few days ago

I silently recited the speech in my heart and prepared to go on stage. In fact, as early as a few days ago, I had an idea. Reciting the speech was not because I was nervous about the award scene at all. It was because my speech not only thanked the fans, but also expressed my feelings about the award, as well as my current feelings and my future plans. I saw the performance of Miss Wu Qi just now. I'm suddenly passionate, too. I am sorry for not being able to discuss with Sister Chen and tell my friends. Just like Mo Yu's sudden marriage, my remarks on such an occasion are undoubtedly bombs and news points. Sometimes I really want to be self-willed. Suddenly, I make a decision at an important moment and make up my mind. It is also a kind of courage to cut off the back road. Besides, I've thought it through before. Thank you to all the people who have supported me to this point, as well as all the other colleagues I know who have worked with me and worked hard to live in the present. Thank you very much. This lucky win is a great encouragement during my bad voice. I sincerely wish you all can find your dreams in the entertainment industry. In the meantime, I have one more announcement to make. I paused, looked at the movement under the stage, and sure enough, everyone began to whisper, roughly guessing whether I was going to make a statement to break up with Jiang Chenyan, after all,wire nail machine manufacturers, people in our circle knew a lot about this matter. No matter, throw caution to the wind, "I want to announce is not my feelings, such a thing does not need to report to everyone, nor is it suitable to mention on this occasion, I still hope that everyone can meet their own feelings,Iron Nail Making Machine, in the case of not being disturbed by the outside world to experience a good love, but here said, but it is related to my career, I thought for a long time." I decided to take this award ceremony as an opportunity to quit the entertainment industry. Of course, the script I've been working on recently will continue to focus on the follow-up, and then I decided to change my career and change my life. In fact, it is right to quit in the present situation. Mr. Jiang is obviously going to trip me up again. It is not a big problem to speak in the voice, but it is unrealistic to make a record in a short time. Other work announcements have also been blocked by the old man. It is better to take the initiative than to sit on the bench and leave with honor. I'm not backing down. I didn't announce my withdrawal when the most difficult rumors were everywhere. After finishing the book I wrote, I want to do something else well. There are many beautiful things in life, which can't be filled by brilliance. In this way, I will stand beside Jiang Chenyan in the future. I will let the old man know that I can support myself by my own ability after I quit the entertainment circle. I am not greedy for comfort with Jiang Chenyan at all. I am independent. I will not surrender and retreat when he forces me to be in the most difficult situation. When he eases his offensive, Coil nail machine ,wire nail machine manufacturers, I think I will continue to spend time with him, but I quit. I'm not passive. He's passive. Dear Public Opinion As soon as the news came out that I was going to quit, there was a hubbub under the stage, and the host struggled to clear his throat several times before he was shocked. My God, Lynn, are you sure you want to quit? Today is not April Fool's Day, you have to think clearly, you are now a very promising potential artist, and, I reveal again, you have an award behind you, can you really be sure that you will not regret after seeing this award? All your talents are on display. I am a little surprised, the people below are also very confused, what awards can there be, the following are all film awards, but I have not recently taken the film. All right, Lin Andu announced at our awards show that she was going to quit, so let's be human and not let her step down and then come up to receive the second award. Please pay attention to our backstage and jump directly to the best film section. ” "Please look at the film clips on the big screen, this is Lin An's own interpretation of" Dear Public Opinion "written by himself.." I was surprised that this film could win an award. Although I worked very hard with my friends in the crew, we didn't think about how far it could go. When we did it, we only cared about completing the work in front of us, and we didn't consider other income feedback and so on. At that time, we also sent a demo tape to the organizing committee with a try mentality. Now it has been selected. My dull and wooden face appeared on the screen. In this film, I deliberately uglified myself. I was travel-stained and rustic. I basically appeared without makeup. Now the scene is my expression after I was confused by the direction of public opinion. My face is at a loss. The image of the play is a shampoo girl Ah Hua who works in the city from the countryside. She accidentally buys fake and shoddy products in the supermarket and eats them with vomiting and diarrhea. As a result, she hears the sisters who come to work in the city say that if they go to court and sue for fake and shoddy products, they can get money, so they are stunned to borrow money here and there to get justice for themselves and get a sum of money by the way. As a result, Ah Hua was really lucky. She met a young lawyer with a strong sense of justice. She wanted to help Ah Hua fight a lawsuit without a penny. After all, Ah Hua was on the right side. The court ruled that Ah Hua won the lawsuit. As a result, the sentence did not matter. The lawyer with a sense of justice became popular, and even Ah Hua became popular. "I may not know much, but for a dollar, I also want to fight against illegal acts", "Salute to the unyielding rural girl Ah Hua!" The newspaper's praise for Ah Hua is endless, "Chinese people have always been ashamed of litigation and feel that harmony is precious, but that's why they swallow their pride when they should defend their rights,Automatic Nail Making Machine, which is not conducive to the perfection of the law.." Even the city where Ah Hua is located has specially issued an award to Ah Hua, who is promoting the story of the rights fighter recently. Ah Hua does not know which magazine she has entered, so she has become popular all of a sudden.
