I am the only immortalI am the only immortalI am the only immortal

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I am the only immortalI am the only immortalI am the only immortal

The sea dragon smiled and held Tianqin in his arms and said, "First of all, I want to clarify one point.". I have now resigned from the position of suzerain of Lianyunzong, and I am just an ordinary disciple of Lianyunzong. Secondly, let me introduce it to you. This is the Lord of the Evil Sect and the Evil Ancestor that you saw at the beginning. Of course, she used to be a disciple of Qianhui Valley. Her name is Tianqin. That day in Jietian Square, you must think that I was lying to deceive the other five sects. In fact, you are wrong. With the cultivation of Wuyun Buddha, if what I said was a lie, how could he not see it? Everything I said the other day was true. It was on Xianzhao Peak that Tianqin and I were knocked off the cliff by Xing Tian and his wife. Jin Yi's eyes flashed, "What do you want?"? This is the territory of our five immortals. Even if you have many immortals on your body, you can't be the opponent of all my disciples. As soon as the sea dragon's face changed, he said in a very cold voice, "Jin Yi, you are wrong. Since we dare to come here, we naturally have nothing to fear.". I may not pursue what you Wuzhao immortals have done, but I have two conditions that you must agree to. First, you must swear in the name of the Patriarch of Wuzhao Immortal that from today on, Wuzhao Immortal will always submit to Lianyunzong and will not oppose Lianyunzong at any time and will follow him. Second, Jin Yi, you must abdicate and let the virtuous give up the position of suzerain. As long as you can promise these two points, we will leave immediately and never step into Xianzhao Mountain again. Otherwise, don't blame our men for being heartless today. Jin Yi laughed angrily, "You are the first one who dares to speak to me like this.". Hailong,Theobromine Powder, don't say you can't destroy me today. Even if you want to go now, I'm afraid you can't go. The sea dragon smiled and said, Really? I'd like to see how much progress you have made in your cultivation during this period. Said floating up a palm to Jin Yi clap. Jin Yi Wei Yi Leng from the previous experience of fighting with the sea dragon, the sea dragon is completely relying on a few pieces of immortals to remain invincible, in fact, is far inferior to their own cultivation. Is this kid crazy? Just then he suddenly saw the blue light on the body of the sea dragon, with a confident face hanging on the corners of his mouth, and the chief had already taken a picture. With a cold hum, Jin Yi took a deep breath and condensed his magic power. A fist seemed to be clumsy and skillful to meet the sea dragon. The golden light suddenly shone. The wind of the fist drew the country in the air and brought out the sound of gold and iron. The Five Elements Patriarch seemed to have found something and cried out, "The suzerain can't do it." But Jin Yi's fist has been sent out like a sword from the string, how can it be withdrawn? Fist and palm phase boundary did not make a sound, but Jin Yi was horrified to find that his magic power was like a mud cow into the sea, S Adenosyl Methionine ,Fungal Chitosan Manufacturer, which was digested at the moment of touching the palm of the sea dragon. There was a playful light in the eyes of the sea dragon, which attracted Jin Yi's body and said, "With you.". It's far from my opponent now. How do you want to die? The Five Elements Patriarch and the Water Rhyme saw that the situation was not good. At the same time, the Water Rhyme summoned the source of the immortal water to cooperate with the Five Elements Patriarch, one left and one right, to attack the sea dragon. Do you want to bully the few with the many? The sound of Tianqin Jiao turned into a virtual shadow. The Five Elements Patriarch and Shuiyun only felt that they had hit a solid wall that could not be broken through. They flew back at the same time in a muffled hum. He took more than ten steps back in succession before he stood firm. At the same time, the two men were shocked to see that the magic power of Hailong and Tianqin had been so strong that the three strongest of them, Wuzhao Immortal, had no ability to resist. If the other side wants to kill them. However, it seems to be a piece of cake. The Five Elements Patriarch is the most deeply felt in the realm of scattered immortals. He clearly feels that both the sea dragon and the lyre are far beyond the scope of his cognition. Once the other party uses the immortal, it will bring devastating disaster to the five immortals. The sea dragon ignored Jin Yi who was sucked in the palm of his hand and struggled desperately. Said to the Five Elements Patriarch, "Now you should be able to consider my previous conditions.". I'm not a good person. There is no'compassion 'of the right path. If you don't agree to my terms. If anything happens, don't blame me for being cruel. Said the right palm a vibration will throw Jinyi to one side. Jin Yi gasped heavily, this was the first time he had faced the enemy since he became the chief of Jin Zong, and there was nothing he could do about it. He hated that his cultivation was not enough. In his mind, he saw the situation that Xuanyu forced Hailong to break Dan in Jietian Square that day. With a flash of light in his eyes, he was about to take action when he heard the sea dragon saying, "Jin Yi, if I were you, I would never choose Broken Dan.". Because it doesn't work. With your cultivation as the broken elixir, it's just equivalent to the cultivation of Sanxian. Do you think that's useful to me? Let you monitor what is the strength of the immortal. Absolute space. The blue light is suddenly bright, with the sea dragon as the center of the mask, the speed of the naked eye is difficult to distinguish, and the lightning-like expansion of light reaches hundreds of meters. Jinyi, Shuiyun and the Five Elements Patriarch are all included. There is no power, but the invisible pressure makes Jin Yi three people feel breathless. The sea dragon casually sucked Jin Yi three people to pull in front of him. "I am the absolute master in my absolute space," he said with a sneer. "Without my permission, let alone breaking Dan, it is impossible to move a finger. Do you think you can compete with me without the same immortal strength? Jin Yi lost his voice and said, "were you the one who was robbed a few days ago?"? But if you succeeded in the robbery, why didn't you ascend to the fairy world? At the mention of the word "degree of robbery", the sea dragon's anger immediately rose sharply, with a flash of cold light in his eyes, Jin Yi immediately snorted and spurted out a mouthful of blood. You're wrong. It wasn't me who was robbed. It was my wife. If it wasn't for you, how could you get through the robbery ahead of time. My offer is already very generous. Jin Yi sees that you are willing to break Dan for the sake of the dignity of this clan, which is still a task. I will cancel the second condition as long as you promise to respect Lianyunzong forever in the future. Wherever the disciples of Lianyunzong go, the disciples of Wuzhao Immortal will avoid me. You will also let go of Wuzhao Immortal. Jin Yi's eyes are full of resentment, but in this absolute space, everything is controlled by the sea dragon, let alone him,Kava Root Extract, even the founder of the five elements can not move a cent. The Five Elements Patriarch sighed and said, "Suzerain, promise him that he can so easily use absolute space to cultivate himself above the immortals. Being an enemy of such a person will only bring my clan into a state beyond redemption." 。 pioneer-biotech.com
