Beautiful and intelligent

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Beautiful and intelligentBeautiful and intelligentBeautiful and intelligentBeautiful and intelligent

So, as long as she can interrupt and muddle through, she will muddle through. She didn't want to see the faces of Aunt He and Ruier, not to mention that at this time of the day, it was a matter of life and death, and it was appropriate to invite Grandpa to dinner. Fortunately, Wen Shi did not mention it again. Looking at a table of "dishes specially prepared for Ye", he picked up a chopstick to taste each one, then drank two mouthfuls of porridge and put it down. As the day passed and the night fell, Aunt He's cry became more and more shrill. Even Qing'er couldn't listen any more. She came over and said, "Grandma, you said you hadn't been born there for so long. Will it be all right?" "Won't," Wen Shi laughs very not easily: "The first child comes over so, you went out but don't make a fuss, let your grandfather listen not to like. "Save the maidservant." Qing'er went out for a while, but he couldn't stand it any more. He ran to Wen's room and held his head in his hands and said, "If you call me like this all night, no one in this yard will want to sleep tonight." Wen said with a smile, "Doesn't she like to be called? Isn't that what your second young master likes about her?" Qing'er blushed and lowered her head without saying a word. He Shi did have a problem of crying, which was criticized by the older generation of nuns. She said that she was obviously a daughter born at home, and I don't know where she learned the style of a brothel. As soon as he touched her body, he called her a joy, which was mixed with dialogue and chanting. The second young master was so fascinated that he hardly spent the night in Wen's room since he opened her face. Fortunately, it was only an aunt,silk cherry blossom tree, and if a Ming matchmaker was marrying a lady like this, she would have become a laughing stock. Late at night, Qing'er wanted to put out the oil lamp for Wen Shi and let her have a good rest. Wen Shi shook her head and said, "Forget it. I can't sleep anyway. Let it be on." After Qing'er left, Wen Shi opened her eyes wide in the shadow of the lamp and listened to Aunt He's screams. She cheered her up in her heart: "Call, don't you love to call?"? Let you shout enough this time! Don't let me down. Be sure to order for a few more days. You used to shout so loudly every night, didn't you always shout for me? Show me how much I spoil you, how happy you are, and how pitiful I am by comparison. Now you can finally call enough. While thinking about this,artificial cherry blossom trees for weddings, his right hand habitually touched the jade bracelet on his left arm. It was bought by Shen yuan on a special trip to Duobao House during the wedding. I still remember that Shen yuan said at that time: "All the jewelry given to you at home is from home. Only this is what I gave you. It's a thing of love. You have to wear it every day." As he spoke, he put it on her with his own hands, and then touched it up his arm. With the other hand, he untied her clothes for ten years. Chuan was still Chuan, but he was no longer that person. He had changed, and so had she. I still remember that when I first put it on, Yuchuan could only go up to the length of a thumb. Later, when she was ill and thin, she could stroke up two fingers. And now? She raised her left arm, and Yuchuan slipped from her wrist to the bottom and fell directly to her armpit. She lowered her arm, and Yuchuan quickly slipped back to her wrist. So repeatedly, like a child who loves to play, but his eyes laughed out of tears, he could not believe that this dry stick of things, is really his arm. By daybreak, Auntie He's voice had gradually disappeared. Qing'er, dressed in clothes, silk ficus tree ,faux ficus tree, ran in in a panic and told her, "Grandma, I'm afraid Auntie is not good." "What's wrong?" She asked calmly. Qing'er said, "The baby is too big, and it's a horizontal fetus. Several midwives have been giving her a good night, but she hasn't come over. Now she seems to have fainted." She said lightly: "I know, you go out." Later, Aunt He woke up twice in pain, called a few times, and then there was no more sound. The world is finally quiet. Wen Shi, who had stayed up for a day and two nights, went to sleep with peace of mind. When she was woken up again, it was Qing'er who reported to her the news of Aunt He's death. Volume 1 Hou Fu Sends Orphan Girl Chapter 74 Return with You (2) When Qing'er told Wen Shi about Aunt He's death, the expression on her face was frightened. At first, Wen thought she was just frightened by the incident, after all, watching a living person suddenly turn into a stiff corpse, everyone needs a psychological adaptation period. But Qing'er glanced at Mammy, the maid inside and outside the house, with a look of hesitating to speak. Wen Shi would feel sorry and send those people out. Then Qing'er came forward and said in a voice that was almost a whisper, "Grandma, those steady women are still in the hall, saying that they want to pay their respects to Grandma.". I said that my grandmother was ill and had already closed the door to thank the guests, so they asked the maidservant to say that there were three of them, and one thousand taels of silver was not enough, so they asked my grandmother to give me another two hundred taels as a hardship fee, and they took it so that they could leave. Wen Shi did not dare to face up to her big girl, because she was hiding the matter from Qing'er, consulted with the wet nurse, and the wet nurse went out to take care of it. Unexpectedly, those damned pious women dared to tell people casually, thinking that this would threaten her to pay more money? If she was in good health now and wanted to continue to live in the house, she might take money to stop their mouths; she was like this, what was she afraid of? So with a sneer, she ordered, "You go and tell them that one thousand taels is not easy to divide, but nine hundred taels will be divided, and the remaining one hundred taels will be donated to the Garden of Mercy and Solitude.". They are greedy for money and murder, and they should also do good deeds and confess their sins. Green son frightened, she has roughly guessed the whole story, now grandma has such a handle to be pinched, but also dare to play with people, dare to be crazy? But Wen Shi urged him to get up: "Go quickly!"! Be careful that they come in. I am not afraid to see them, but they are afraid to see the people in this house. You tell them that if they come in, I'll ask the Second Young Master to receive them, and let them tell the Second Young Master exactly what they said, and see if the Second young Master will tear them alive. "But," Qing'er, holding a cold sweat, whispered to the ferocious master: "Even if they dare not say it in public and go outside to spread it blindly, it will ruin Grandma's reputation." "The living want fame. What do the dead want to do?" Wen murmured with self-mockery. Qing'er did not dare to reply, for fear of provoking her grandmother to say more self-abandonment. Seeing that it was nearly noon, he asked,large palm trees for sale, "What would grandma like to eat?"? Ask the kitchen to bring it earlier while you are not busy. Otherwise, when the filial piety shed is set up, the funeral banquet will be prepared. 。
