Who is in charge of the ups and downs (Si Bu Quan + Fan Wai) by Qian yuan

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Who is in charge of the ups and downs (Si Bu Quan + Fan Wai) by Qian yuanWho is in charge of the ups and downs (Si Bu Quan + Fan Wai) by Qian yuan

In the world of ice and snow tossed about for a long time, coupled with the mood ups and downs, Leng Xuan's constitution is strong, but also blocked. The wind and cold are menacing, the fever is high, and the sleep is not clear between day and night. Occasionally wake up in the middle. Turning, I found myself lying back in the house where I had lived before. The fire was burning all the time, but he was still so cold that he couldn't stop shivering and was pried open by Lei Haicheng. After pouring in the hot broth, the body temperature rose slightly. Half dizzy and half awake, he vaguely knew that Lei Haicheng was hugging him, helping him keep warm and rubbing him. With cold hands and feet to activate blood vessels. When the mind is Pure Brightness, Leng Xuan finally holds up the body that still has some weak and weak, sit from the floor. Get up. The doors and windows of the house were closed, the wind hit the house, and the boards creaked. Listen to the sound, the wind is stronger than him. The fainting had abated considerably that day. Lei Haicheng was nowhere to be seen. Leng Xuanxin suddenly sank, looked around the room, and saw that the two men's bags were still there, and breathed a sigh of relief. The door was pulled open,interactive whiteboard prices, Lei Haicheng came in with a bowl of hot soup, quickly closed the door, and blocked the cold. Outside the house. At a quick glance, Leng Xuan saw that the snow was still falling outside the door. Lei Haicheng approached and touched Leng Xuan's forehead, feeling relieved. The fever is gone. Tuck the bowl in In Leng Xuan's hand, seeing the man's stiff expression, he said with a smile,touch screen kiosk, "This soup is horse meat." Leng Xuanyi, "did you kill the mount?" Lei Haicheng gave a gentle hum and sat down next to Leng Xuan, "I killed a horse and left one." It's just that it's hard to find a blade of grass in a snowy day, and the horse is starving. Even if we start now, I'm afraid the horses You will be killed in the middle of the journey, and you will not be able to support Linyuan. When he and Leng Xuan set out from Tianjing, their equipment was quite complete, but they missed the natural disaster. Leng Xuan slowly finished eating the horse meat and drank the soup until there were no more drops left. Then he put down the bowl and said in a deep voice: In that case, kill the horse for meat and take enough dry food to go on the road. "Are you going to Linyuan on foot?" "Are you willing to give up halfway when you are only a hundred miles away from Linyuan?" Leng Xuan did not answer the rhetorical question. Of course it's a gamble. Lei Haicheng laughed and snapped his fingers. Leng Xuan is sleeping here. In a few days, he had already had this idea. He was a little reluctant to give up his original plan because of a snowstorm. Besides, in the snow Trekking on foot, though laborious and time-consuming, is not as eye-catching as riding a horse. Originally near Linyuan, he and Leng Xuan also prepared to abandon the horse into the city. Leng Xuan nodded and saw that Lei Haicheng's eyes were flying, temperature screening kiosk ,digital whiteboard price, but his complexion was not very good. He thought it was this time. The night was busy taking care of him, which was caused by fatigue. He quietly adjusted his sitting posture and let Lei Haicheng sit down. More comfortable, whispered: "If tired, rest for a day, and then start tomorrow." Lei Haicheng gazed sideways at him until Leng Xuan felt embarrassed to turn his head and then chuckled. Get up This man, in fact, is so gentle, but armed himself with a cold and proud shell. …… He could not imagine that if he had not met Leng Xuan, this man would have frozen his heart. When will it be sealed?.. His heart began to swell again, and he suddenly stretched out his arms and surrounded Leng Xuan. The man's body stiffened and then relaxed. Lei Haicheng had been aware of it before, and had always thought that Leng Xuanzhi Is not used to too intimate with people, will be hard body, but now, he knows, Leng Xuan is a flower. It took a lot of willpower to restrain the feeling of nausea and let him embrace. How can he let Leng Xuan walk out of the shadow of the past? Lei Haicheng suddenly regretted why he did not learn psychological counseling after he retired from the army and changed his career? However, With a lifetime, you can always help a man untie the knot in his heart. He smiled and slowly opened his skirt in Leng Xuan's surprised eyes. On the thin but strong chest, there are many scars crisscrossing. Every one, Leng Xuan It's all familiar. But near the heart of Lei Haicheng, a new wound was added. A peach blossom with bright red color and bloodshot petals. On the edge of the peach blossom is a blood-red "Xuan" character. " I just stabbed myself. Tattooing directly without anesthesia is really not a common pain. But compared to Leng Xuan's tattoos covering his entire back, this is a child's play. Lei Haicheng smiled and pulled up Leng Xuan's trembling left hand and pressed it against his heart. "I'm with you, too." It's tattooed. Isn't this peach blossom very beautiful? He looked deeply into the bottom of Leng Xuan's eyes. More serious than ever. Tattoos are not ugly or dirty. The one who tattooed you. Should be branded. Leng Xuan seemed unable to bear Lei Haicheng's attentive eyes, and he closed his eyes forcefully before opening them again. He stretched out his hand to cover Lei Haicheng's skirt and held him in his arms. No one said anything more. Two people, quietly snuggling, listening to each other's breath and heart. Jump, interweave ups and downs.. A burst of hoofbeats, stepping on the snow and approaching, awakened the two people immersed in the quiet atmosphere. Who would visit this run-down village on a snowy day? Lei Haicheng and Leng Xuan looked at each other quickly. Jump up and take out the two masks. As soon as the mask was put on, the horse hissed and stopped outside the house. The man pushed the door open and shouted in astonishment. : "Why are you still here?" The man was dressed in a greasy, scruffy Orion costume, with a half-worn fur hat and a full beard. He could hardly see his face, but his voice and figure were very familiar. Wuyuan, why are you back again? Leng Xuan was also greatly surprised. Brother Xuan, didn't you say I was too ostentatious that night? How do I look now? Youwuyuan smiled heartily, as if he had forgotten the quarrel with Leng Xuan, and had no hard feelings at all. "When Lei Haicheng saw this fellow, he was furious." Bandit, "he snorted. Instead of getting angry, Youwuyuan burst out laughing. That's right! I went hunting in the Dahang Mountains. Some game, when they came out of the mountains, they met a group of bandits who did not have long eyes. This property still comes from the bandit leader. It was peeled off. Lei Haicheng and Lengxuan had passed Dahang Mountain on the way, which was at least hundreds of miles away from here. Lu, seeing that Youwuyuan had fought back and forth in a few days,outdoor digital signage displays, he couldn't help it no matter how much he hated it. Admire secretly. Youwuyuan led the horses in, and he had a few more horses besides his own black horse, which naturally followed. hsdtouch.com
