Recommend [Shuang Wen] Tyrant dreams of me every night

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Recommend [Shuang Wen] Tyrant dreams of me every nightRecommend [Shuang Wen] Tyrant dreams of me every night

Zhao Heng leaned over again, his deep eyes quiet and deep, restrained his excitement, lowered his head in her gaze, and kissed her soft lips like a dragonfly skimming the water. Her guard in the dream is still very deep, to be vigilant. Come down Su Wan took a step back and stood with her face up and her hands on her back, her lips still hanging with a smile that had a deep meaning. The plot of the dream is too stiff for him. He had shown possessiveness before, and he thought he would take advantage of the opportunity to win the game and be more enthusiastic. Is that also called a kiss? Zhao Heng went down from his horse, swept the faces of Xie Liting and Xiao Yunjing out of the corner of his eye, turned his back to them and stood in front of Su Wan. Stand still. Su Wan said softly, reaching over to his shoulder and standing on tiptoe to kiss him. Zhao Heng's mind was so powerful that she found herself conscious that she only dared to raise her hands and did not dare to embrace her, nor did she dare to respond. Self-control, which has always been proud of, is also slowly approaching the edge of collapse. If she goes on. When Zhao Heng closed his eyes, the soft touch on his lips suddenly pulled away, and he heard her slightly teasing laughter, "Has the son-in-law learned that this is a kiss?" Zhao Heng secretly opened an eye slit to see her, eyes full of helplessness. In the dream she is the emperor, if not worried about her into the cold palace, he will practice with her, what is a kiss. I won't let anyone else sleep with me. Su Wan said in his ear,ultrasonic sonochemistry machine, smiling over him toward Xie Liting and others, "I had a good time today, everyone has a reward, put back to the palace." "The emperor's son-in-law's skill is superior, and we are convinced." Cheng Shaoning is unhappy. "Is he hiding too well?" "It's really very well hidden." Hsieh Li-ting answered, and the intention to provoke was very obvious. "The emperor's son-in-law will do more than that." Cheng Shaoning did not fall into his trap, a few steps to Su Wan's side, his face burst into a brilliant smile to see her,ultrasonic spray nozzle, "Your Majesty is not very fond of the son-in-law?" "Everyone likes it." Su Wan looked at ease. Zhao Heng is special because he is the dark guard in his dream, and he has more contacts in reality, which is different. I don't know when your Majesty's heart will be able to divide a little. Cheng Shaoning muttered and turned to get his horse. Zhao Heng just heard this sentence, pursed the lower lip corner, led the horse to look for Su Wan. No matter dream or reality, no one can take away her heart. Su Wan turned her head to look at him, and when she saw that he was still not disturbed at all, she couldn't help but want to kiss him and see him blush out of control. Zhao Heng noticed her line of sight and pretended to be calm, but his ears were burning quietly. Su Wan, sharp-eyed, took the reins from his hand and kissed him on the face unexpectedly. "I like my son-in-law a little more." Zhao Heng moved his fingers and finally did not dare to catch her back and kiss her back. I will be able to accompany her to see the lights in two days, and then I will find a chance to kiss her. Each horse left the paddock to return to the city, led by Su Wan, followed by the others and the accompanying bodyguards. The sun is slanting in the west, and the city cage in the distance is as beautiful as a picture scroll under the orange sunset. In reality, ultrasonic extraction cbd ,sonicator homogenizer, Bianjing is not so beautiful, and it is different from the ancient city she has visited in this world. Sewage discharge depends entirely on manual work, and the drainage system is not good. She looked for workers to renovate the clean room of the new house after the Mid-Autumn Festival, so as not to feel uncomfortable after winter. Near the city gate, a group of nearly three hundred people came from nowhere, dressed neatly with white cloth wrapped around their heads, as if they were going to a funeral. Complaint? "Your Majesty will stay and his subordinates will go to check the situation first." Imperial army commander came forward to stop Su Wan, with two bodyguards on horseback, stopped the group of people to ask. Su Wan stopped, and the others stopped their horses and watched curiously. Zhao Heng urged the horse to approach Su Wan and looked at the group of people. I'm here to sue the emperor. So many people went to Bianjing to lodge a complaint against the emperor. It must be a big event. After waiting for a while, the commander of the imperial army turned back with his bodyguard, followed by a gray-haired old man, walking shakily, but the expression on his face was a generous death. In front of him, the old man knelt down, raised his hands above his head and said in a hoarse voice, "Wang Minchang, the head of the Wang family in Anyang, the grass people, pays his respects to Your Majesty and asks Your Majesty to make decisions for the people of Anyang." Su Wan looked down at him. "Get up first, old man, and tell me what happened." In the original novel, Anyang is the nearest county to Bianjing, and it is also the fief of Hou Yan's family in Wu'an. The Wangs were a big Qingliu family in Anyang, and some of the masters and officials in the country came from the Wangs in Anyang, which had great influence. She could remember this because the wife of the Marquis of Wu'an and the original wife of Liu Shangshu were cousins. The prince of the Marquis of Wu'an and Liu Yunshan must have had a baby since childhood, but later he asked to marry Liu Yunshan's concubine sister. Liu Yunshan was chosen as the candidate for the crown princess. Later, Liu Yunshan lost the crown princess, and the prince of Wu'an made up her mind again. When she and He Qingchen passed through Anyang, they flirted with each other and angered Xiao Yunjing. Eventually, the family of the Marquis of Wu'an was stripped of their titles and demoted to the common people. Of course, the reason is more than that, whether it is because there are other things involved, she did not look carefully and did not remember. I only vaguely remember that when the rebellion took place in the original work, Anyang sent out a lot of troops to join forces with the rebels to attack Bianjing. I don't know Liu Yunshan in reality, nor have I seen Xiao Yunjing, nor can I know the specific situation. According to the dream in front of us, we can force the head of the Qingliu clan to go to the capital to report to the imperial court. This prince of Wu'an Hou Mansion is not a small demon. If Your Majesty does not promise to deal with it impartially, the grass people will never rise. Wang Minchang knelt on the ground, holding up the paper in his hand, "Wu'an Hou Zongzi committed murder in the village of fish and meat, and forcibly reduced my Wang family to slavery, but the grass people refused to accept it.". Is there no law in the world? "If the evidence is true, I will deal with it impartially." Su Wan lowered her face. "If the old man likes to kneel, there's no need to get up." As soon as Wang Minchang was stupefied, he stood up and presented the paper in his hand to the commander of the imperial army. Xiao Yunjing and others showed a look of surprise on their faces, only Zhao Heng was not surprised. Su Wan put on the emperor's dignity, even he was afraid. Being in the cold is not just talk. Su Wan took the paper from the imperial commander,ultrasonic welding transducer, read it patiently, and handed it to Zhao Heng, "Go into the city to the Bianjing government office." 。
