Super gold left hand

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Zhou Xuan hummed, then sat up to dress and wear shoes, decided to go out to meet Zhang Lei, otherwise she really ran to the house, said the words

Chapter 563 strange feelings. All night, the three suspected killers did not come out to observe Zhou Xuan's villa because they did not get weapons and may have had an accident. Everyone's tension after a night, fatigue so that everyone's tension is relaxed, but Zhou Xuan is more nervous, if those killers have action, he will not be so nervous, that can show that the butcher sent not many people, if there are more secret people, they are unable to deal with and find out. On this point, Zhou Xuan is sure that the head of the butcher is by no means what all of them can imagine. Zhou Xuan himself has no spectrum to estimate what the head will look like with the two beast-like powers. He can't guess what the head will look like at all. Moreover, he can't tell the police and national security clearly. When it's the most dangerous and difficult time, Zhou Xuan can only rely on himself to solve the problem. At the thought of this, Zhou Xuan moved in his heart and reached out to take out the mobile phone given by Mao Feng in his pocket. This guy said that he was supervising himself at any time. Where is he now? Although this guy is not reliable, but at present, he is Zhou Xuan's most powerful and most useful helper, Mao Feng's other powers are not as good as his own, but the power of the fire meteorite knife is not as good as his own. But this guy is too insidious, I do not know if he will follow to the country at this moment, if according to his own words, should be to come, perhaps at the moment hiding somewhere to peep at themselves. And Mao Feng is the appearance of oriental yellow skin, monitoring people will not pay attention to him. After daybreak, Zhou Xuan was sleepy and went back to his room to sleep. Fu Ying got up to accompany Jin Xiumei and Mrs. Liu to make breakfast. Zhou Xuan was worried about his father's younger brother and sister, so he let them all ask for leave at home. Originally,disc air diffuser, according to Zhou Cangsong and Zhou Tao's idea, where can the company go? But Zhou Xuan said something, they still didn't object. Just play at home. Zhou Ying was better to say that only Li Wei was unhappy. If you don't go to work, it's good news, but Zhou Xuan said that you are not allowed to go out at home, which is extremely uncomfortable. The whole family was playing in the living room. Ad and the two people on night duty were sleeping in the room arranged by Zhou Xuan on the third floor. Zhou Xuan was very sleepy, but he couldn't sleep when he got to the room. He was used to this situation, so he still took a book and opened it to read. But this time, after reading it for more than ten minutes,multi disc screw press, he was not sleepy at all, and there was a dull pain in his brain. Zhou Xuan shook his head, ready to get up and open the curtain, let the sun shine in, he can absorb some energy, but immediately thought, the butcher's killer, perhaps Guoan and the police do not know the killer is peeping, if he opened the curtain, it is not just for them as a target? In this way, Zhou Xuan lay back again, and when he couldn't sleep, he got up and opened the safe and took out the nine star beads. The nine star beads swallowed one of them, and now there are only eight left. At this time, he couldn't sleep, so he took them out and still lay in bed, sleeping while exercising to absorb the energy in the nine star beads. The feeling of headache gradually disappeared, filter nozzle ,wall penstocks, and gradually fell asleep. It's just that after sleeping for less than an hour, I was awakened by the ringing of the phone. I got up and picked up my cell phone. It was Zhang Lei's phone. After thinking about it, I got through and asked, "Zhang Lei, what's the matter?" What are you doing? It's okay to be lazy and play games at ordinary times, but today it's getting worse. You don't come to class. You don't work for the people with the people's tax money. Be honest and Frank. Did you go to meet your mistress again? Or little four or little five? As soon as Zhang Lei opened her mouth, she said a lot of things in a series, regardless of 3721. Zhou Xuan was really dumbfounding, but how could she have the spirit to chat with her at this time? Angry that she woke her up because she didn't sleep well. Do you care whether I go to work or not? Tell you, I will not go up today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If I don't want to go up, I won't go up. It's not up to you. Don't bother me any more. I want to sleep. Zhou Xuan's angry answer made Zhang Lei even more angry. He immediately said, "Don't use those words to prevaricate me. I must have done something bad with a woman. I tell you that I am in Hongcheng Square. My colleagues in the Bureau have told me that I am on duty near your home. If you come out and see me from home, then I believe you didn't lie to me." But I'm going to tell Miss Fu at your house, and I'll tell her about your meeting with your mistress. Zhang Lei while warning Zhou Xuan, while smirking, Zhou Xuan wondered, Zhang Lei should not know his address, but thought about it, and thought it was possible, because Fu yuanshan arranged for people to escort, this matter involves a large number of police, not to mention the past, within the police, the possibility of speaking out will be quite large. Zhou Xuan hummed, then sat up to dress and wear shoes, decided to go out to meet Zhang Lei, otherwise she really ran to the house, said the words, Fu Ying must be angry, originally this matter is nothing, but he is afraid of Fu Ying is not happy, so in front of her did not mention a word, if Zhang Lei said it, to outsiders in front of her. She must be angry. It's better not to say something than to say it. And Zhang Lei this careless, originally did not know his own situation, and as if for Fu Ying to fight against injustice, he took her also helpless, can only go out to reconcile with her, send her away, must not let her come to their own home to make trouble. Downstairs, in the living room, the family was playing cards, laughing and laughing. Zhou Xuan immediately pretended to be plain and said, "Mom and Dad, Yingying, I'll go out and breathe in the garden outside the door. I'll be back in a minute." Zhou Xuan said this skillfully. He only said that he would turn around in the garden for a while and come back soon. No one was suspicious. After Zhou Xuan went out, he took the gate gently and walked quickly outside the community. Zhang Lei did not wear a police uniform, wearing a light green skirt, red high-heeled shoes, tall figure is very hot, provoked a lot of men in the square to look at. Beauty, where is the focus, Zhou Xuan did not notice Zhang Lei's beauty,fine bubble diffuser, in his heart, thinking about how to pay Zhang Lei as soon as possible, did not notice anything else.
