Wolf in sheep's clothing: Sir, I will protect you

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The bartender must have gone to find help to deal with her and the invincible, right? It doesn't matter. Jin Ling is going to put down as many as she comes.

Jin Ling put his head together and stared at Oriental Invincible again. He said, "You also said that it was not a good thing for me to smash the signboard of others. Now you have smashed the whole shop of others." This guy, unexpectedly so undetected will be the whole "one arrow to seal the throat" inn to make like this. Oriental Invincible smiled without a word, chopsticks is not a prelude, this smashing inn is the real prelude to his selling himself. The real drama is not far away. In the inn, those who wanted to buy the invincible body of the East were still there, staring at the abandoned inn. "Can you afford it?" Said Oriental Invincible in a faint voice. This sentence alone brought back the souls of all those who had been frightened away. After you looked at me and I looked at you, no one spoke and turned away from the inn. From the beginning to the end, I dare not put another fart. In the big inn, only Jin Ling and the innkeeper were left for a while, as well as the bartender who was still in shock. He was still wondering if one of his sneezes had caused this "earth-shaking" scene? Seeing that the so-called buyers were all dejected, Jin Ling laughed in his heart, but he still put on a serious expression and said to Oriental Invincible: "Well, you scared the buyers away. What do you say about the money for this meal?" Into the fresh land, hidden waves [19] nbsp; Seeing that the so-called buyers were all dejected,tape measure clip, Jin Ling laughed in his heart, but he still put on a serious expression and said to Oriental Invincible: "Well, you scared the buyers away. What do you say about the money for this meal?" Jin Ling turned his eyes to the innkeeper as he spoke. Of course, I just want to take advantage of the momentum of Oriental Invincible just now. Perhaps if he said this, the innkeeper would let them go quickly because of fear. In that case, there is no need to check out. Haha,Wheel tape measure, as expected, force can solve a lot of things. Only this time, Jin Ling made a mistake again. The innkeeper and the waiter stood there looking at her and Oriental Invincible, without speaking or doing anything. There seemed to be no sign of fear on his face. "Keep waiting, someone will buy it." Oriental Invincible is still sitting there like that, and there is no sign of leaving to eat the overlord meal. Hearing the words of Oriental Invincible, Jin Ling couldn't help being more depressed. Sitting down, Jin Ling was close to the East Invincible: "Invincible, you are really playing hard." This kid is really addicted to selling himself. But those people have been played once just now, and they are all gone. Oriental Invincible looked at Jin Ling and shook his head with a smile: "I'm not playing, cattle weight tape ,Adhesive fish ruler, I'm really selling myself." Really sell yourself? Jin Ling frowned and looked at Oriental Invincible, trying to see something from the face of Oriental Invincible. As a result, nothing can be seen. Oriental Invincible doesn't look like a joke, it's just. This is not right, this East Invincible, how can he. Sell yourself? Jin Ling was confused by Oriental Invincible. What kind of trick is this guy playing? "What should I do if you sell yourself?" She is mixed with Oriental Invincible. If Oriental Invincible sells herself, what will she do? "Buy one and get one free. Buy one and I'll give it to you. Whoever I sell it to, you give it to." A faint smile on the face of Oriental Invincible. Jin Ling: "…" For a long time, he sold himself, and she became a gift? Into the fresh land, hidden waves [20] For a long time, he sold himself, and she became a gift? Jin Ling really doesn't understand what kind of medicine he is selling in the gourd of Oriental Invincible. But with her understanding of Oriental Invincible, at least this man will not let ordinary people touch him. So the secret behind this sale can only be uncovered by Oriental Invincible itself. Jin Ling sat down, holding his head and squinting at the East Invincible. Is this really waiting for someone to buy his body? Jin Ling squinted at the other side again. The innkeeper was still standing there looking at them, but. Where is the bartender? Jin Ling frowned slightly, his eyes swept the whole inn, and the bartender really disappeared. Jin Ling approached Oriental Invincible again: "Invincible, the bartender may go to call someone. If there is a fight later, give me a chance to perform, and you can sit here and drink tea." Jin Ling said as he looked at the innkeeper. The boss's eyes are too malicious. She guessed that she and Bubai not only didn't pay for the meal, but also smashed his shop. The bartender must have gone to find help to deal with her and the invincible, right? It doesn't matter. Jin Ling is going to put down as many as she comes. For Jin Ling's words, Oriental Invincible smiled without a word. He knew when the bartender left and what the bartender was going to do. He was waiting for the person the bartender was looking for. Jin Ling also sat there honestly, waiting for the arrival of the bartender and his accomplices. About half an hour later, the bartender came with a large army. A group of people suddenly came in at the door of the inn, which made the whole inn look dark. The bartender led a group of people in, then stepped aside and stood behind the innkeeper, not daring to say much. Jin Ling just took a cold look at the bartender, then moved his line of sight to the group of people brought by the bartender. Uh? So familiar.. At the first sight of the group of people standing opposite, Jin Ling had a feeling of deja vu. Into the fresh land, hidden waves [21] At the first sight of the group of people standing opposite, Jin Ling had a feeling of deja vu. After looking at it carefully, I finally know why there is a familiar feeling. The group of people who came in all had a crossbow on their backs or on their waists. And the clothes on his body seemed to be the kind he had seen before, yes,fish measuring tape, the group of "robbers" he had just met in the bamboo forest. And once met Gong 14 that time, robbed her a few people, are also such a dress. tapemeasure.net
