How long Does a Pending Payment take on Cash App?

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Cash App Pending Payment usually takes from a few minutes to even days.

Cash App Pending Payment usually takes from a few minutes to even days. There is no one fixed time frame. For a pending direct deposit take on Cash App, the direct deposit payment is usually processed between 4-5 working days.


In the case of PayPal, If your PayPal money is pending, it is because the online payment service is holding your money in certain cases. In some cases, PayPal may even place your funds on hold for up to 21 days.


The same concept can be applied here, as if payments are on Pending for security and suspicious activities, it would require you to require to confirm your identity which can take a few days in order to verify your account.


In the case that it is pending for a lighter reason, it usually goes through in a few minutes to an hour.

You can contact Cash App direct deposit pending if you still got pending after solving the issues that they have outlined in your feed.


Can you cancel a Pending transaction on Cash App?


Yes, you may be able to cancel a cash app pending transaction. If you have gone through all the troubleshooting guides and the solution they provide, but still can’t get the solution.


However, there may be a cancel option available on the receipt for pending payment and in some cases, they may not be available, in that case, you need to wait out.


If your order Cash app is pending, Don’t Resend your transaction


But I don’t recommend resending the money just because the transaction is in pending status. If the payment goes through, you could be sending double.


Either cancel, get the refund and resend it.


Resending could result in you a double withdrawal leaving you further in an even more inconvenient situation than before. If it is something you just can’t wait for why Cash Out Failed to resolve the issue by itself, simply cancel the transaction and try resending it.


When you are resending, it is recommended to use another method of payment and even the cancellation process might also take a while to resolve.


So, take your time and when everything cash app direct deposit is set up, send the funds again and not before you cancel the previous transactions.


Final Thoughts:


Payment Apps are not perfect and don’t get where it’s supposed to all the time. So, the next time you get a message that your transaction is “pending.” You need to either wait it out or cancel the transaction and try sending it again.


If none of these tips are helping you with the issue, it is recommended to contact Cash App customer support. Unfortunately, Cash App has no live chat or phone number to speak to a live person. You will have to send an email or tweet describing the problem and wait for their follow-up.
