Study In Australia

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There are many important reasons to Study in Australia. With a wide variety of vocational courses and degrees to choose from, Australia is emerging as an attractive destination for Indian students, second only to the United States and the United Kingdom. Many foreign students expect to study in Australia due to its friendly nature, high quality of life and excellent education system. You can see The main reasons for studying in Australia.


The education system in Australia

Study in Australia is now the talk of the city among international students who want to study abroad. Australia is emerging as a favourite new crowd of graduate and undergraduate students. With 7 universities in the top 100 in the world, Australia is definitely the place you should expect when thinking about higher studies. Before that, however, let's look at the Australian education system:

Higher education in Australia
This is what will come after you finish your schooling, if you are an international student and want to study abroad in Australia, your journey will start here.


There are six levels of academic degrees offered by public and private institutions. They are as follows:


1. Certificates 1-4
There is no fixed duration for these types of courses and, as the name implies, they are certificate courses. They teach basic skills and knowledge and are often professional. Often TAFE (training and additional education) is offered by colleges, community and private colleges.


TAFE system
Often offers career and skill-based training classes; Training and additional education system for Diploma, Associate Diploma and Certificate courses. It also offers a high level of TAFE academics in Victoria. Depending on the state/region where they are located they may be known as colleges or universities. They are owned and operated by state / divisional governments.

2. Diploma and Associate Degrees:
Duration of these courses, Diploma and Associate Degree, 2 to 3 years. Diploma courses have higher technical skills, while higher education courses are taught under associate degrees. Diplomas are usually the equivalent of a two-year degree. Many universities, TAFE, community centres and private RTOs (registered training institutes) offer these courses.

3. Bachelor's Degree and Honors:
It is a globally recognized standard university qualification. They are usually three to four years old. Honours are awarded upon graduation or after one year of research or dissertation. Traditionally, bachelor's degrees have been awarded mostly by universities, but TAFE and private institutions offer them the same credibility.

Graduate certificates and graduate diplomas come at the same level as these. Sometimes, combinations of them are offered based on expertise or work experience.

4. Postgraduate degree
Postgraduate study in Australia is done after completing a bachelor's degree, and sometimes honours, requiring two years of study after graduation. This includes academics and certain types of research work. Most of the time, universities offer them. The postgraduate degree in Dentistry, Medicine and Optometry allows candidates to use "Doctor" as a title. Click for more information: Study in Australia for Masters Graduates
