Various reasons to study abroad - how it changed my life

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If you have never been here before i studied abroad in edinburgh scotland last year and i actually only got home about two weeks ago i did a similar video to this when i came home for christmas but now that i have spent a full year abroad i really wanted to like dig into my experience in a

we are going to talk about the 10 greatest benefits of study abroad these are in really no particular order  just sort of like the order that i thought of them in also subscribe so number one is confidence slash independence getting on the plane for study abroad is a lot scarier than you may initially think it didn't really start to hit me until about two weeks before i was like gonna move to scotland that i was like oh i have to move to a whole other country by myself once you start packing up that suitcase and getting everything in there you really just start to realize how ill prepared you feel even though you may be very prepared even just making the step to get on the plane and go there by yourself is it's a big deal and it can feel you know this thing that's very sort of like a thing that just everybody goes through so you shouldn't have any feelings about it because it's just kind of like a thing that everyone does and you'll be fine i promise you everybody getting on that plane is feeling .

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and riding that same level of emotions that you are it is probably one of the most independent feelings that i've ever felt in my whole entire life i also built a lot of confidence planning trips because everything is so close in europe you know you can just hop on a train or a plane and get somewhere completely new planning all those things by yourself or with friends or friends that you have just met is a really good way to build your confidence traveling and you know you can just build yourself as you know a cultured person like oh i went here like oh ii studied abroad and i went to this city to be that person the other thing that really builds your confidence is making friends who challenge you you know when you make friends in your host country there are going to be a lot of things.

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 that they ask you about in my case america a very wide topic of conversation people will really ask you some funny questions like i have been asked about cowboys bears the pledge of allegiance all of these things that i just really never thought about one of the things that really came up in my circle was my inability to like chill and relax and before i studied abroad i definitely had this sort of like toxic need to be productive at all times a lot of my friends really challenged me on that and they were like oh why do you feel that way or like that's kind of odd why why are you like that and i definitely have been able to make my mind in a more challenged viewpoint also exploring things by yourself so there may be days where people have class and people are busy.
