Block Cutter Machine : Price, Sale, Block Cutter Blade, Paver Block Cutting and Hydraulic Block Cutter Machine Manufactu

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A Block Cutter is generally faster than a traditional saw provided that it is in the proper hands. However, this equipment needs a more experienced worker to be operated well. A block may be placed under a block cutter and cut correctly in about 3 to 5 seconds, but cutting the same block u

Sun Industries Private Limited is a leading name in the construction work equipment manufacturing and is based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. We at Sun Industries believe in quality, assurance and performance and thus we deliver to you the finest quality machines and assure you about their performance. One such machine we offer for sale is a Block Cutter Machine.


The Block Cutter Machine is required to cut concrete  into blocks and slabs for aesthetic purposes. It has a unique blade connected to it that is designed to readily cut through concrete, asphalt, bricks, tiles and so on. Block Cutter Machines or Fly Ash Block Cutter Machine, is an extremely important piece of equipment for most professional paving contractors and builders, particularly those who work with block paving and constructing buildings extensively. These machines make it possible to divide or cut blocks and other tiny paving items in a straight line neatly.


A Block Cutter is generally faster than a traditional saw provided that it is in the proper hands. However, this equipment needs a more experienced worker to be operated well. A block may be placed under a block cutter and cut correctly in about 3 to 5 seconds, but cutting the same block using a traditional saw can take anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds, based on the depth of cut.

This machine is specifically preferred because it helps cut blocks of various shapes and sizes which helps in filling up the spaces left while completing the construction work. Unlike saws or grinders, the amount of debris created by cutting through this a block cutter machine is negligible, hence no dust control equipment is required to comply with. This capacity to cut blocks without causing dust, together with no fossil fuel usage and no need to replace tattered blades on a routine basis, as well as a high durability, make block cutters the ideal choice for the planet and the wallet.

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Block Cutter Machine has a powerful, sharp and an abrasive blade coupled to a motor that rotates it. The blade slices the substrate below it as it revolves. Both fuel and a battery can be used to power the motor. Of course, the electric models are quieter than those fueled by gasoline or diesel. The blade pace may be adjusted using a variety of controls linked to the motor. Block cutters are also used to make control joints in concrete, which assists in regulating as to where fractures would form due to contraction. Cuts are made based on a variety of parameters, including the kind of additives and material used, the ambient air temperature, and the variety of concrete design desired.


Our Block Cutter Machine can be used for all types of block cutting as it is equipped by a very fine blade with a 24 inch capacity and cuts upto 10 by 10 inches. This 60 kilograms machine is powered by a motor of 3 HP 3 Phase which requires a power supply of 415 V AC or 50 Hz and produces up to 1440 Rotations Per Minute. Our machine also has an R/F switch in its power panel.

Our Block Cutter Machine helps you save time, efficiency and energy besides being harmless to the planet. This machine is built using the finest quality raw materials to suit the needs of your construction work. So do not think twice before ditching the traditional method of sawing for our Block Cutter Machine. Reach us out to order a Block Cutter for your construction works today!

Contact Us -

Add – No. 59, Dharnidhar Estate, Panna Estate Road,

Rakhial Ahmedabad - 380 023, Gujarat, India.

Phone: +91 98250 39107


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