Raising Corpses for Rebirth in the End of the World

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"Don't think too much. Let's go to S province to find Lin Yiran first, and then make plans.

"Don't think too much. Let's go to S province to find Lin Yiran first, and then make plans." Jing Xiu pressed down the road of anger. For a moment, the car was quiet again. Lin Pinghai touched Manman's head and felt very distressed. Both he and Zhao Yanhong regarded Manman as their own granddaughter. Even after they accidentally discovered that their granddaughter had some different abilities like Lin Yiran, they did not disclose it. It's about killing things to death. Unexpectedly, after all, fire can not be wrapped up in paper. He found that there were suddenly a lot of heavily armed soldiers in B city, and he knew that the research Institute wanted all the residents of B city, young and old, to have a physical examination. His heart missed a beat and he knew that things were not good. He knew that he could not protect Manman alone, and that Yongfeng Village in B City would not help him at the beginning. The only way was to find Xu Mingfa, who had sent him a corpse nucleus some time ago. Can never thought, Xu Mingfa is not, but met Jingxiu. It turns out that not only Manman is a power, but also there is a power in the Goshawk Hunter Group. Lin Pinghai this just a little bit at ease, anyhow for their own way of life, Jingxiu will not report their poor Manman. Anyhow will look at the face of leisurely, to keep Manman safe. Between heaven and earth, it seems that there is only one rickety off-road vehicle,impact beam tubes, driving alone to S province. Chapter 69. After Yan Yaning drove a broken SUV out of B city, the city gate of B city was in the control room. Captain, group leader Yan did go out of the city this afternoon, and she went out of the city with Jingxiu of the Goshawk Hunter Group, as well as three ordinary people in B city, two adults and one child. Xiaobing reported to Zhang Cheng after checking the surveillance video. Ordinary people? Zhang Cheng sat in a rocking chair with a cigarette in his hand. He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile,precision welded tubes, "I can't see." Xiaobing did not say much and stood in front of Zhang Cheng without saying a word, waiting for the next instruction. Although his heart is very unaccustomed to Zhang Chenghu's practice of pretending to be a tiger and a dog, he is a soldier, and his mission and nature are obedience. Even if he couldn't agree with the order. Zhang Cheng looked at the soldier with his head down in front of him. He was silent for a moment. Suddenly he laughed and said, "If you run away, you will run away. The city gate is blocked below. Without my instructions, not a fly can be released." The word "fly" is really gnashing teeth. The little soldier leaned on his feet and made a military salute. Yes Trot to the city gate on duty. Zhang Cheng's right hand knocked on the table regularly, and he thought to himself: the higher authorities originally wanted him to be a vice captain. The original Wang Kehan was pulled down by him. Unexpectedly, the higher authorities preferred Yan Yaning. They would rather choose Yan Yaning, a little woman, than look down on him. Just for the sake of Dr. Ning's face, let him temporarily become the leader of the special action team of the Huaxia Academy of Sciences. It's better to run. You don't run. How can I be the captain? It's really hard for me to deliberately publicize the task that needs to be carried out in secret. Yan Yaning, you should thank me very much. Thinking of this, beam impact tubes ,Cold Drawn Seamless Tubes, Zhang Cheng showed a satisfied smile. He got up slowly and went to the C group research room of the highest scientific research Institute in China. Doctor, doctor, it's not good. Before entering the Academy of Sciences, Zhang Cheng deliberately turned pale with fright and rushed to Ning Jingwen's office, panting: "Doctor, Yan Yaning, assistant leader of Group a, has fled." "Escape?" Tranquility Wen looked up from the dense files. Yes, doctor. Yan Yaning took away four people from B city, and I suspect that more than one of them has special powers. Tranquility is full of data on documents and does not care about the people who fled. How long have you been running? Zhang Cheng looked rather guilty and self-reproached. I've been running for a long time. "Just run away.". It's too late to go after it now. Don't let the others escape. Zhang Cheng pretended to wipe the sweat on his forehead and nodded repeatedly. Yes, doctor. "Go out if you have nothing to do." With these words, he buried himself in continuing to study the data. Ning Jingwen is ruthless and eager for quick success and instant benefit. Before the end of the world, she was overwhelmed by the high abilities of Dr. Hsieh and Dr. Kao of the same research Institute. She has always been competitive, and only after the end of the world broke out would she be so eager to open up a new path and want to study something. Prove to everyone that she, Tranquility, is not worse than those two! Zhang Cheng is worse than Ning Jingwen. All his actions are just for the sake of having the supreme power in B city. Neither of them thought that Yan Yaning, Jing Xiu, and Man Man, whom they did not care about at all, would set off a great uproar in S province. The false calm between the top leaders of B city and S province, which is deliberately maintained, is about to be broken because of the carelessness of these two people! Between today's B city and S province, it is only the upper class of both sides who are happy to maintain a superficial calm. B city worried about the power of s province riot, s province is afraid of B city enough guns and ammunition, both sides throw rats and avoid weapons, for a time the world is peaceful. But the escape of Manman and Jingxiu was like a fuse lit suddenly, a little spark burning quickly, and soon a continuous fire was burning! To break the false peace that both sides are trying to maintain. Before Yan Yaning and his party arrived in S province, Lin Yiran and Lin Baoer had a rare leisurely life. Every day I eat, practice, tune and teach three, and then have sex and exercise in the evening. My life is leisurely and full. Unfortunately, there will never be such a leisurely day in the end of the world. A few days after their good days, a scuffle on the verge of breaking out was brewing silently in the dark. Brother Hong, there is news from B city. Tang Di clenched a thin piece of paper in his hand. There was a flash in Hong Linfeng's eyes: "En?" "If indeed, as Brother Hong had guessed before, the city of B had already laid hands on the powers." Hong Lingfeng shies the belly, reveals the compassion appearance, "B city's special ability person, labors them." Tang Di said excitedly,Precision steel tubes, "Brother Hong, we have been preparing for so long.". Is it possible to. Hong Linfeng shook his head and said, "There is still an opportunity left.". There is an opportunity for all the powers in S province to share a bitter hatred of the enemy. "What Brother Hong means is." 。 cbiesautomotive.com
