Shushan _ Wandering Toad _ txt Novel Paradise

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Shushan _ Wandering Toad _ txt Novel ParadiseShushan _ Wandering Toad _ txt Novel ParadiseShushan _ Wandering Toad _ txt Novel Paradise

Qinglong Dawu said, "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. What are you still doing outside?"? Why don't you come in and fight with everyone? We're on the 35th floor now. I replied, "You kill yourselves at the bottom, and I'll go for a ride at the top.". Gu Chen competes with the three great masters of the right path. I'll see more excitement. Qingfeng Mingjian grabbed the communication and said proudly, "Old cow, you don't know that this magic wave pool is a treasure land!"! Our party has already collected a lot of materials, but also played a nine-order purple sword. Are you really not coming? "Cut, what's there to see in the flying sword of the ninth order?" I turned off the communicator and decided to go to the front house of the magic wave pool. The former mansion of the magic wave pool is controlled by Cui Ying, a gorgeous corpse. In addition to all kinds of guardian spirits, each layer inside is a variety of sorcerers who often sway. Most of these sorcerers have strange origins, various skills and magic weapons. After such a long rush to kill, the players who hit the 49th floor of the former mansion have listed the probability of each layer of spirits and sorcerers in detail, organized them into posts and sent them to the forum. And there are players constantly adding to this post. Gu Chen can't intervene for the time being. I might as well pick up some sorcerers in the former mansion to slaughter. Now more than 20 layers of Qianfu Dou have been shattered by the three demons of Xuanyuan, so you don't have to bother to kill them layer by layer. Back to the entrance of the Magic Wave Pool, I found that the number of players here is a little small. But this kind of unusual, did not cause my attention, only clapped the sword light, with three heads rushed up the monster to fight together. After two or three rounds of fighting, I cut off most of the blood volume of the three-headed monster, and I took it away with the exorcism circle. Did not wait for me to find the second wave of targets,classroom interactive whiteboard, long heard players shouting at the top of their lungs: "Insects are coming, we quickly withdraw ah!" " "Worm?"? What's so terrible about bugs? I swung the sword of the two sorcerers into four sections, collected the booty, and looked at the entrance of the Magic Wave Pool, which was cracked open and looked a little dark and far-reaching. A black cloud suddenly rose, and countless alien demon insects, whose heads were two or three times larger than human beings, fluttered their six wings and sent out bursts of lament. Rao,smart board interactive whiteboard, I am also a master of magic. I have seen countless demons and insects, and I was startled by these guys. Is this a bug? Don't be a mutant Spider-Man accomplice who has been exposed to nuclear radiation! Players near the entrance of the Magic Wave Pool had already collectively rubbed oil on the soles of their feet before the insects rushed up. In the blink of an eye, only a few self-confident and bold people showed their flying swords and magic weapons, adding a layer of defense to themselves. As long as there is a good defense magic weapon, can resist the attack of these giant demon insects, this state is a good scene for some players with group attack skills to harvest experience and rush level. I glanced at the audience, and sure enough, the people left behind were sparse, but dozens of people, each doing things in their own way, it seems that they are not a group, but everyone has a circle of light clouds, rosy clouds, golden light, smart boards for conference rooms ,75 smart board, black gas. It seems that we have some experience in attacking this group of insects. When the first six or seven giant alien insects came to me, I switched the sword into a Shura banner, shook it in the wind, and released the hidden golden silkworm, which was full of countless golden stars, with a thunderous cry, to meet those giant alien insects. Meet me this Shushan first evil, even if a school of masters, a careless also eat hold back, not to mention these demon insects? A hundred poisonous golden silkworms jumped up, chirped and chewed wildly, and the six or seven giant worms were immediately swallowed clean. In the blink of an eye, another giant insect pounced on it. Although it was general, it could also be called spiritual. Without my mobilization, I immediately turned around and pounced on the new enemy. A bewitching master cultivates bewitching insects, depending on what kind of insects are used for breeding, the level of the bewitching pit, and the level of the magic, which determine the level of bewitching insects cultivated. And these bewitching insects themselves can also be upgraded, as long as they are released and often hurt people, the players are not experienced, but killing the spirits, but nourishing these bewitching insects is not small. There are a few lucky ones in this nest of hundred poisonous golden silkworms in my hands. The insects are particularly good. They have already passed the hundred-level mark, and their fierce power is even more intense. I don't need to dodge at all, nor do I need any defensive magic weapon. I also stand proudly in the air, watching other players struggling to support, one after another to put out group attack spells. There are a few players who are really powerful, and their hands are either a piece of thunder and fire, or a group of clouds of various colors. At first glance, he specializes in practicing Qi Jue, and then tries to upgrade the school's magic. Now he has advanced to the point of forbidden law. Where on earth did these monsters come from? I am running around in Yihuanling, and I have begun to lag behind in understanding the information of the recent situation! Wait for me to ask someone. I exclaimed to one of my female players recently, "Beauty, do you know where these bugs come from?"? Why didn't I get the news about it? As soon as the female player was drunk by me, she was a little distracted. A rosy glow, which protected her body, showed a slight flaw. She was almost bitten by an alien demon insect in the back of her waist. She was a little angry and shouted at me: "Don't talk to me, I won't be able to cope with it!" "This is easy to say." As soon as I shook the sword, Tiandu and Minghe flew out with flying swords. They circled around the mm and beheaded dozens of demon insects. Then they smiled and put on a face like a white horse prince. They shouted, "Now, beauty, do you have time to answer my questions?" The female player, seeing that I had killed so many demon insects at once, her face suddenly became ugly. She said angrily, "It took me so long to brush off the blood volume of these demon insects, but you actually robbed the monster, and there are people who are angry.." Shushan Volume 30 Yan Corpse Cui Ying Chapter 15 Worm Riding Novel t-xt Heaven Chapter 16 Being late is the right of a beautiful woman. "I didn't mean to do that. Why don't I help you cut off a few big monsters to the blood skin as compensation?" "Are you still going to rob the monster with me? Look at the insects under your hands,interactive boards for classrooms, not to mention the blood skin.". I can see that when they chew, there is no bone residue left! "Khan!"! Poison Golden Silkworm is a little ferocious. I'll cut it for you with a flying sword. I promise I'll only shed a hundred points of blood. One move will kill you! Your girl finally hesitated and whispered, "I don't believe it!" " 。
